Triangle Regional Transit Program Public Workshop- Round 3


Thursday, March 24, 2011 - 4:00pm to 7:00pm


The Friday Center- 100 Friday Center Drive, Chapel Hill

The Triangle area continues to experience explosive growth — growth that requires increased mobility demands. Improvements must be made to the local transportation systems to maintain the area's quality of life and continue to attract new industry, jobs and residents.

It's time for the Triangle Regional Transit Program, a comprehensive study effort to look at regional transit rail opportunities and explore expanded regional busway networks. The program, spanning Orange, Durham and Wake counties, is an exciting move forward toward transit connectivity in the Triangle.

Seven public workshops have been scheduled for March 22 - 31 around the Triangle to present the corridors, alignments, and station locations for public feedback.  The workshops will be run 'open house, drop in' style with information displays, staff to answer questions, and looping videos.  There is no single presentation time.  This is the third and final round of public workshops during the Alternatives Analysis period. Public comment will be taken at the workshops and online at or 800-816-7817.


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