It looks like the "values" word is being thrown around again in this election. If you do a search here, you can find other discussions on this, but we never seem to agree just what our values are, who holds them, and how broadly.
When I didn't get a good answer as to what they are, I found a Town brochure on their website that discussed them. Is this what the candidates claims that he represents better than anyone else?
The Town Council initiates numerous projects and initiatives that reflect the values of our community, as expressed in the Town Comprehensive Plan.
Fiscal Conditions: The Town is committed to enhancing its ability to provide services and manage its development through financial stability and fiscal planning.
University Relations: The Town endeavors to provide an environment where the Town of Chapel Hill, UNC, and the UNC Health Care System can collaborate to maximize mutual benefits.
Regional Cooperation: The Town engages in effective regional cooperation that promotes sustainable growth patterns, recognizing that economic development, land use, transportation, environmental, natural area linkages, and other planning issues transcend the boundaries of Chapel Hill.
Economy and Employment: The Town works to increase employment opportunities for residents and satisfy local demand for commercial and retail services.
Housing: The Town aims to increase the availability of well-designed, affordable, safe and sanitary housing for all citizens of Chapel Hill.
Environment: The Town strives to identify, protect and preserve open spaces and critical natural areas and enhance the community’s air quality and water resources.
Transportation: The Town values the development of a balanced, multi-modal transportation system that will enhance mobility for all citizens, reduce automobile dependence, and preserve/enhance the character of Chapel Hill.
Community Facilities and Services: The Town provides community facilities and services that meet the physical, social, and cultural needs of Chapel Hill’s population.
Governance: The Town makes every effort to maximize citizen participation so that Town government is representative of and responsive to the population; and to serve and govern the population in an honest, efficient, and equitable manner.
Personally, I think it is a mistake for any one candidate for mayor to claim that they represent town "values." Not only does it come across as arrogant, but it could very well backfire with voters who just don't see the world as the candidate does. We are a diverse community and many may be progressive, but to claim that one's party label makes them a better candidate in this non-partisan race than those from other parties or those who declare themselves unaffiliated ignores how many in the community feel about these things and are similarly registered - I am unaffiliated for a reason and I dislike those who try to turn this election into a party battle.
Let's campaign on issues and not stake a claim to being the only one who represents our values, the only one who is a proven leader, and the only one therefore worthy of our vote. I just don't believe this is what people are looking for when they start voting in a few weeks.
Not so supportative of "those values"
Somebody or bodies sent out an illegal flier in support of Mark.
Yeah, what he said...
Thank you Fred for stepping back to reframe the discussion on Chapel Hill values.
What did the flier say?
I'm curious.