June 2008

WCOM Carolina Brewery Benefit!


The Carolina Brewery is generously donating a portion of every meal ticket all day Sunday, June 22nd to keep WCOM bringing you the best in music, talk, news and more! When you pay your bill tell them you’re there for WCOM!

Join the DJs and Volunteers  from 5-7pm. We're the ones wearing the WCOM t-shirts (which are also for sale)!~

BUB is up (not to mention gas prices)

Nearly two years after BUB's inception, Blue Urban Bikes and the ReCYCLEry have received recognition at RTP Headquarter's 2008 luncheon and award ceremony celebrating the achievements of the year's transportation demand management (TDM) programs, including the Durham County Trip Reduction Ordinance and TDM Programs in RTP, Durham, Orange and Wake Counties.

There are 8 BUB Hubs now, from Eastgate to the MLK YMCA and into Carrboro. Discussions are ongoing with Wellspring, 3 campus locations, and hopefully in Meadowmont. Rumor has it that a possible partnership with gotriangle could target bus stops. Thanks to the determination, effort and foresight of just a couple people at the outset, SURGE, and the community at large, the program survives and is looking better than ever.

Hey you, vote Tuesday

Yeah YOU. Did you know that there's an election on Tuesday? That's OK - I forgot too.

A handful of registered Democrats and independents who remember to go to the polls across North Carolina will be selecting the nominee for Commissioner of Labor. But more interestingly (to me, anyway) voters in the newly-created northern district of Orange County will be selecting their first County Commissioner to represent District 2.

Steve Yuhasz and Leo Allison finished the primary with 37% and 27% respectively. Yuhasz' failure to get over 40% qualified Allison to ask for a run-off.

Unfortunately I'm out of town, or I would drive around Hillsborough and parts north this weekend and see what going on. Are people talking about the election? How many people will vote on Tuesday?

The results will come in at: http://results.enr.clarityelections.com/NC/Orange/4609/6585/en/summary.html

Council Vote Fuels Ugly Comments by Republicans

Lots of interesting stuff in the Opinion section of today's Chapel Hill News. First is the editorial called Flap over benefits turns ugly.

The council made a serious error in judgment -- several of them, actually -- and in so thoroughly misreading the public's likely response it gave the appearance of being out of touch with its constituency.

But it didn't commit high crimes and misdemeanors. It didn't make off with the Town treasury, lead the town into war on false pretenses or kick puppies. [...]

Plus there is Laurin Easthom's guest column called Controversy stoked by those with other agendas. Its on her blog too.

Some of those who have been the most outspoken, and continue to criticize and continue to threaten to put out petitions on items other than health care, are Republicans. It is just an interesting fact. [...]

Increase Citizen Input

In Chapel Hill we have a representative form of government that works better than any place I've lived. When I first got here I joined a citizen committee on Technology. I was amazed at how directly involved I could be. But the experience of being on that board also opened my eyes to the many flaws in this process. Yet I still yearn for more citizen input in our Town.

The recent citizen outcry against a Council vote on health care is a excellent example of what happens if you don't have enough community input BEFORE a council vote. This bit from The Chapel Hill News describes the problem well,

UNC Fiscal Impact Analysis for Carolina North, June 26, 7 p.m.

For OP readers: I just sent the following email inviting the community to the presentation of the preliminary results of the fiscal impact analysis. Hope you can attend:

UNC Fiscal Impact Analysis for Carolina North

Per Linda Convissor's post

For OP readers: I just sent the following email inviting the community to the presentation of the preliminary results of the fiscal impact analysis. Hope you can attend:

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I know many of you are interested in the University's development of Carolina North. As our planning has progressed, the community has expressed its interest in the fiscal impact of the Carolina North campus. At a joint meeting of the Orange County Commissioners, the Chapel Hill Town Council and the Carrboro Aldermen this Thursday evening, June 26 at 7:00 p.m., the consulting team doing the work, TischlerBise and The Chesapeake Group, will present their analysis and findings.

The meeting will be at the Orange County Southern Human Services Building on Homestead Road.

The community is welcome and encouraged to attend. If you are a neighborhood or community group contact, please share this with your group or others who may be interested. We have had great attendance from the community at Carolina North meetings and hope you can join us Thursday night.



Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


Orange County Southern Human Services Building on Homestead Road

Great Local Commuting List-serv Resource for Bikers and Pedestrians

Just wanted to share a great list-serv with discussions on commuting, whether by bike or foot or public transportation.  Discussions range from homages to injured community members to pending laws and legal issues to strategic routes in our local area.

RTP_bike_ped list-serv 


I personally have nothing to do with this list-serv.  I rely upon it for much insight, discussion and information for alternative transportation in the local area. 

The Orange Bus

I see that the BOCC has decided to rename OPT as The Orange Bus, with resultant web-site and advertising changes as well as painting all their vehicles OP-orange. As a side-note, perhaps OP should think about taking out some advertising on the buses. Commissioner Barry Jacobs was against the idea, according to OrangeChat, calling it "too precious" and saying that he thought OPT was just fine. C'mon Commissioner Jacobs, this is a web 2.0 world! I am totally in favor of OPT becoming The Orange Bus. First off, how many of you knew what OPT was the first time you heard the acronym? How many of you know what OPT actually does? But, The Orange Bus, that's easy to understand and by playing on the county name it becomes catchy.

This does raise a question in my mind though and that is, what changes will be made on the website to make it a better tool for potential customers. As it stands right now, I think most people have no idea what OPT does unless they are already using it. How will the website make this information more accessible? I had the opportunity just this morning to tell a coworker moving to Hillsborough about the Hill-to-Hill route - she had no idea that it existed and was very excited about the possibility of not driving every day. How will The Orange Bus get this information out to the public?

Go Chapel Hill Community Cycling Award and more...

Today, Chris Richmond, Mary Lindsley and myself attended an awards luncheon and presentation at RTP Headquarters on Davis Drive.  We accepted the "Go Chapel Hill Community Cycling Award" which consisted of a brief introduction and a shiny new plaque and witnessing a good number of other worthy awards and innovative individuals and companies..  In order to conserve my time and effort in my purely volunteer role, I will simply mirror the post I just uploaded to the ReCYCLEry.info website, and I will follow up with a couple of comments following up on the recent BUB Is Up thread I recently initiated on OP...


Published online as "Award Winning BUB is up! ...not to mention gas prices":




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