September 2011

Opposition to House Bill 777 Senate Bill 106

Please show your support Monday night at the Town Council meeting for this resolution opposing NC's proposed anti-gay-marriage consituional amendment. This resolution will be introduced by Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt and myself. Tell the NCGA we want to stop moving backwards. 

A Resolution in Opposition to Senate Bill 106 and House Bill 777 in the North Carolina General Assembly

WHEREAS, Same-sex marriage is currently a right in ten countries including the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina and six U.S. States including Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, and the District of Columbia; and

NC Big Sweep opportunities in Orange County

Via the Town via my neighborhood listserve:


Chapel Hill Fake News

Today's Chapel Hill News published a letter by someone named Yelena Francis equating the people who protested at the Silent Sam statue on Sept 1 with Russian Communists who destroyed Tsarist statues.  The newspaper gave this letter the title "Leftist déjà vu" and place it just below an amateurish cartoon showing Silent Sam being carted away and replaced by a statue of Dean Smith.

This pisses me off for one simple reason:

The students did not call for the removal of Silent Sam, and the Chapel Hill News should know this.

They called for a plaque to be placed on the side of the statue explaining when and why the statue had been erected and what it represented and still represents.  They were wise enough to realize that we need to keep Silent Sam and learn from it over and over.

Chapel Hill vs Carrboro

Chapel Hill and Carrboro are related but they have significant differences. I love them both like family. I feel like their little brother constantly annoyed with one or the other but will remain steadfastly in love with them both 'til the day I die. Many of my fellow Chapel Hillians do not understand these differences. They see Franklin Street and Main Street in Carrboro as one long business thoroughfare. It's not. I don't mean to pick on Chapel Hill residents, both students and townies, but if you don't spend a lot of time in Carrboro you wouldn't know. The Towns have very unique histories that contain deep seated differences forged in race, class, and ideology. All fueled by the money and intellectual power of the University of North Carolina.   Yesterday I had a great conversation with several Chapel Hillians. They were a retired Town of Chapel Hill employee, a downtown business leader, a few University employees, and others who I do not know well.

EmPOWERment / NRG / CURB / NAACP Chapel Hill Candidate Forum

Info receive via e-mail from Julie McClintock:

Greetings Candidates!

As a candidate for the Chapel Hill Town Council, you are invited to participate in a Community Forum sponsored by organizations who value community participation in Town decisions. Organizers for this evenare Empowerment, NRG (Neighbors for Responsible Growth), CURB (Citizens United for Responsive Building), and the NAACP.

When and where?  Tuesday,October 11th, 6:30 - 8:30pm, Hargraves Center St. Joseph's Church  .

6:30 - 7 pm   Candidates meet and greet neighbors and community members, light refreshments 
7 - 8:30 pm  Candidates answer questions gathered from our neighborhoods and organizations. (Questions will be sent to candidates in advance.)

Kindly return by email this invitation to confirm your attendance.  We look forward to a fun and informative evening.

Thank you for your participation in ourTown elections!


Community Forum Organizing Committee:  Dolores Bailey, Julie McClintock, Del Snow, Al McSurely



Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm



All Carrboro Precincts of the Orange County Democratic Party Candidates Forum


Monday, October 10, 2011 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Room 110, Carrboro Town Hall

What We Can Learn From Durham

[Mr. Bull]Apparently I was quoted in the News & Observer after last week's information session about UNC's proposed redevelopment of University Square. I didn't notice that story, but today a colleague said something to me about a cartoon in the Independent Weekly. Wha? After some hunting I found this V.C Rogers illustration "Mr. Bull" which features my statement that "Durham has been kicking our ass, Chapel Hill has to catch up."

While I'm not especially proud of how articulate that one (out of context) quotation was, I do stand behind it. Seeing the way the Indy cartoon twisted my point made me want to expand or at least explain a little more.

What You Can Do, As Advertised

As many of you know, the Chapel Hill 2020  planning process is getting underway. This new Comprehensive Plan for Chapel Hill will affect you—the roads you drive on, the places you work, the parks you visit, etc. so it’s important that you share your perspective to help the town craft the best vision possible. The more perspectives included in the plan, the more accurately the plan will reflect our community’s diversity, so be sure to contribute!

The town has already publicized seven different ways to get involved. You shouldn’t feel limited by this list, but it serves as a great jumping off point:

Live Blog: Sierra Club-Chamber Forum for Chapel Hill Candidates

Two of the 3 mayoral candidates and all 9 council candidates are in attendance. The live blogging starts now...

Live Blog: OC Democratic Women Municipal Candidates Forum

The Orange County Democratic Women are hosting the Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough candidates this evening in the OWASA Community Room. OP editors Molly De Marco and Erin Crouse live-blog.



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