August 2018

State Constitutional Ammendments

This November there are no Town Council races and for most of the local County Commissioner and legislative races there will be little Republican opposition. However, there are 6 constitutional amendments to vote on. The Republican controlled state legislature passed them and then voted NOT(I need to proof read better) to allow any explanation of them placed on the ballot. Here is an analysis of them. It is a long read. Please click on the link which gives the actual wording of the amendment. Note how simplistic the ballot measure is compared to the actual amendment.

Racial Equity Toolkits–A Local Example

Last year our School of Social Work class, a service learning course with the Community Empowerment Fund, learned how to use a racial equity toolkit to assess 5 local community policies or programs and hopefully produce an analysis that was informative and useful to our elected officials.

Work Continues on Threats of Displacement to Mobile Home Dwellers

As we’ve covered before, there are many mobile home parks in Orange County and they are some of the most affordable types of housing we have. Many, however, are situated on land that is valuable and ripe for re-development (we are keeping an eye on the mobile home park on MLK and Taylor called the Tar Heel Mobile Court as the gas station in front of it has recently closed).

What’s Coming up for Fall 2018

We've compiled issues of interest coming before or at play in each of our municipalities and the county this Fall, which we’ll be following. Here goes:


The Carrboro Board of Alderpersons gets back to regular work with a meeting on September 4, 2018. Here’s a snapshot of what’s on their horizon:

  • Public hearing on Weaver Street Market renovations
  • Report on NC 54 West Corridor Study
  • Update on the 203 South Greensboro project (Southern Branch Library)
  • Public hearing on Lloyd Property conditional rezoning (it’s back!)
  • Update on the Old 86 commercial development concept

Chapel Hill

The Chapel Hill Town Council re-convenes on September 5, 2018. Here’s what we and they have to look forward to this fall:


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