Andrew Dunn's blog

How can I better know the county?

I want to increase my knowledge of the history and politics of Orange County over the summer in preparation for my editor job at the DTH. Do you have any recommendations? Books, articles, etc.

I'm getting ready to get "The American College Town" from the library as a start. 

We need you to help improve the DTH

UPDATE: Join the Community Feedback Board on Facebook. 

Hello again, OrangePolitics!

If you've been around OP for awhile, you probably know me. I'm a long-time reader/occaisional poster. Now I've been chosen to be the next editor-in-chief of The Daily Tar Heel. We need you to help the DTH improve.

One of my main goals next year is to make the DTH the resource that you, the residents of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange County, want and need. With the pullbacks at other local media outlets, I want to help fill the gap by becoming the most thorough, expansive, relevant and accessible news source in the region. I want the DTH to provide more perspective on the issues and thoroughly understand the historical context and significance of events.

Mayors request infrastructure project money

The N.C. Metropolitan Mayors Coalition has submitted its request for money from the federal and state governments for infrastructure projects. I’ve mapped the requests made for the town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. No requests were made by Hillsborough.

See the raw Chapel Hill data here. See the full spreadsheet of requests here.

North Carolina's teachers in trouble

I've created a searchable database of teachers who have been disciplined in North Carolina by certification committees or school districts.

Haven't been able to find out if any are in Orange County or CHCCS yet. 


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