Civil Liberties

Perhaps because of the large number of outspoken and thoughtful people in our community, we have often found ourselves at ground zero in battles over civil liberties. In the 1980's Chapel Hill elected the first openly-gay elected official in the state, but Carrboro bested that by electing North Carolina’s first out mayor a decade later.

More recently, Chapel Hill grappled with free speech issues in the wake of 9/11, approved and then dismantled red light cameras in 2003-4, and was challenged by fundamentalists over support for gay marriage in 2005.

Local Immigrant Rights Rally - this MONDAY

Important stuff going on next door in Chatham County. Road trip to Siler City, anyone?

A page in history will be written in North Carolina on Monday, April 10 when anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 immigrants and their allies will march and rally in Siler City, NC, about 1 hour west of Raleigh on Hwy 64, and many more will gather in Winston Salem, Wilmington, Murphy, and other cities across NC. This is a national day of action against terrible anti-immigrant legislation being considered by Congress, with hundreds of protests planned around the country. We need hundreds of volunteers, observers, and allies to help ensure the safety and rights of all participants.

A statewide Volunteer Training is set for 4:00 pm, Sunday April 9, at the Carrboro Town Hall, 301 W Main St, Carrboro, NC. RSVP

Please consider standing in solidarity with immigrants who are fighting for their rights and their lives!

A GRIM Report

Guest Post by Alan McSurely

Since the press reported the massive unconstitutional domestic spying program of President Bush and Vice President Cheney 2 months ago, a spontaneous grass roots impeachment movement has taken off. One poll showed over 53% of the American people favored an impeachment investigation, over 90% of African Americans were for such an investigation, and over 24% Republicans. This belief that our two leaders have committed crimes is well grounded. The men lied to Congress to give them authority to invade a sovereign nation. Their intentional lies, mixed with their massive ignorance of the Iraqi nation and stumblebum incompetence in handling basic governmental functions has led to the murderous mayhem in Iraq that has destroyed the Nation's leaders, its culture, and tens of thousands of its children. This is a high crime.

Bob Sheldon Memorial Event

Internationalist Books and Community Center will commemorate the life and legacy of its founder Bob Sheldon on the date of his murder 15 years ago. On Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 5:30 PM, friends will gather to reflect on memories of the late political activist, to dedicate a public memorial in his honor, and to share their vision for the store as it begins its 25th Anniversary Celebration, which is ongoing throughout the year.

The event will take place at Internationalist Books located at 405 W. Franklin St.

For more information, call 942-1740 or go to:

Act now to protect democracy

Guest Post by Jacquie Gist

Help Save Our Democracy!

Please call Congress Member David Price's office NOW this weekend and encourage him to support John Conyers House Resolution 635 calling for the creation of a select committee to investigate the administration. The Congressman needs to know that many in his district consider this the most important thing he can do this term and we will remember his vote come election day.

Contact David Price:
Chapel Hill office: 919-967-7924
DC office: 202-225-1784

Beyond the Wall

An astute reader wrote to ask that we announce this film, and I'm glad he did. I hadn't even heard of it!

You wouldn't think the wall separating McCorkle Place and Franklin Street could serve as a political forum for University students.

But one UNC professor shows how pivotal that location was for political thought in his documentary set in the '60s.

Gorham Kindem's “Beyond the Wall” will be shown at 1 p.m. Sunday at the Varsity Theatre. A question and answer session with the filmmaker will follow.
- The Daily Tar Heel - Film scales UNC's political culture



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