
News and opinions related to local elections.

Election Results 2009!

UPDATE: Now with results!

Okay, gang, here's your space for discussing elections results as they roll in.

You can check on the County's unofficial returns here:


Official results are usually certified a few days after the election.

Election day open thread

I'm not sure whether I'll be awake to kick this off when the polls open at 6:30 am (although it's all too likely with an infant in the house) so I'm starting it early.  What's going on out there, how are you feeling, what are you doing today?

And aren't you glad it's almost over!

Good Luck to All the Candidates

Each election, I am awed and inspired by those who have the courage and the stamina to run for office. Regardless of who we support, we should all be thankful for those who step up and put themselves on the line for the sake of their community.

Good luck to all the candidates, and thank you!

OP regulars on WCHL election coverage

Several of the OP regulars will be guests on WCHL as they cover the election results tomorrow. Tune in to hear the dulcet tones and considered opinions of Mark Marcoplos, Fred Black, Tom Jensen, Nancy Oates, and yours truly. You are also encouraged to call in with your own comments and analysis at 929-9245.

From an e-mail from news director LMT

 The plan is to have a pre-election result conversation: rehashing of the election season, discussion of issues facing both Carrboro and Chapel Hill, overview of candidates and respective platform, and action plan for the newly elected officials. Then a discussion and analysis of the election results, as they come in, followed by a post-election wrap up.

The conversation will be lead by Ron Stutts and Community Government Reporter Elizabeth Friend.

We have invited commentators that we feel will provide a balanced discussion [...] We welcome lively and respectful discussion that best represents topics and opinions that have been discussed within the community.



Tuesday, November 3, 2009 - 1:00pm to 5:00pm


1360 AM, 1360wchl.com, & Town Hall Grill in Southern Village

Why I won't be voting for Mr. Czajkowski for Major of Chapel Hill

In general most politician's campaign materials lack details.  Its easy to say we're going to reduce taxes, but much, much harder to identify what to cut, so I'm not going to rule him out based on that.  What did make up my mind, however, is his misunderstanding of mixed-use developments:



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