economic development

Walmart Submits Plan for Northeastern Chatham County

This press announcement has been making the rounds today:

Walmart Submits Plan for Northeastern Chatham County Location
Posted Date: 3/2/2012

Chatham County received a site plan today for a second Walmart location in Chatham County, a 148,400-square-foot, full-service store off of US 15/501 just south of the Orange County line. Walmart's official statement said that the store will be part of its Buildings Sustainable Value Network, with a focus on energy-efficient design and operations.

"Walmart's announcement of a second store in the county means approximately 300 new jobs and we need every one of them," said Commissioner Chairman Brian Bock. "Given how many of our residents must commute outside the county to work, often for long distances, this is very good news."

According to Walmart, the average hourly wage for its regular, full-time employees in the state is $12.39 per hour, as of October 2011. This does not include benefits. Walmart's statement said that more details on job opportunities will be available toward the end of the construction phase.

Positive changes go hand in hand in east Chapel Hill

A few days ago we heard that the Ram's Plaza strip mall has been sold to a real estate development/management company, The Kalkow Group. This is can't be unrelated to the Town's recent completion of the draft Ephesus Church Road/Fordham Boulevard Small Area Plan. (In fact, it may even have been anticipated by the Town, I admit I didn't follow the process very closely.) A recent Chapel Hill News article shows how closely they are tied together...

Chapel Hill 2020- "Retail, Housing and Economic Development in Chapel Hill" Presentation

Presentation by Dwight Bassett, Chapel Hill's Director of Economic Development


Tuesday, January 10, 2012 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm


Council Chamber, Town Hall

Quarter-Cent Sales Tax Referendum Gets a Second Chance

A committee to help pass the sales tax referendum has been created with representatives of the Orange County Board of Commissioners, the Chapel Hill Town Council, the Carrboro Board of Alderspersons, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools Board of Education, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, The Partnership for Children, the Hillsborough/Orange County Chamber of Commerce, the Orange County Schools Board of Education, the Greater Chapel Hill Association of Realtor, and Orange County Justice United. 

I am serving on the Campaign for Jobs and Schools committee as a representative from Orange County Justice United. Justice United discussed the referendum at one of it’s full meetings and voted to endorse it. We are supporting the sales tax because funds raised in this way will reduce the exorbitant sewer and water rates for our lower income neighbors in the north of the county and will also reduce the tax burden on county homeowners, while supporting our schools.

County Tries Again, Hires Local for Economic Development

And for the second time this year we have an announcement about the County's hire of a new economic development director. Knowing nothing else about him, here's my favorite part so far: "[Steve] Brantley, who has lived in Orange County for the last 25 years..."

Brantley Named Director of Economic Development for Orange County

HILLSBOROUGH, NC – Frank Clifton, Orange County Manager, announced the appointment of Mark Steven (Steve) Brantley as Economic Development Director for Orange County starting September 19, 2011.



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