OWASA invites customers to a Community Outreach Meeting

OWASA cordially invites citizens to participate in a community outreach meeting on Thursday night, March 31st at 7:00 pm to discuss our plans for the future and to receive comments and questions from customers.

The meeting in the Century Hall at the Carrboro Century Center, 100 North Greensboro Street, will begin with a presentation on questions such as:

  • Will our community have enough water when the next major drought occurs?
  • How much water per day can our existing lakes provide in a drought?
  • How much will water use rise in coming decades?
  • What is OWASA doing to prepare for future growth in water demand?
  • How important is the future reuse of highly treated wastewater for non-drinking purposes?
  • How important is water conservation for our community's future?
  • Can we have an adequate water supply for the long term with our locally-protected water sources?

The floor will then be open for questions and comments about any of OWASA's plans, services and policies.

"The OWASA Board of Directors came up with the idea of having a community outreach meeting because we want to give everyone the opportunity to hear about our new initiatives and to talk face to face with us about our services and our plans for the future," said Mark Marcoplos, Chair of the OWASA Board.

We hope to see you on March 31st-- please put this date on your calendar!

For more information:
Mark Marcoplos, Chair, OWASA Board of Directors, 933-5562; marcoplos@mindspring.com
Greg Feller, Public Affairs, 537-4267; gfeller@owasa.org

OWASA is the public, nonprofit water and sewer agency serving the Carrboro-Chapel Hill community.



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