Meet the bloggers

Blogging isn't just a faceless virtual activity reserved for geeks. All kinds of bloggers actually meet in person the old fashioned way. These get-togethers known as Blogger Meetups can be a safe and fun way to meet the people who live near you. And no it really isn't a new dating scene. :)

Before I went to the Triangle Bloggers Conference last year I only knew a few people in Chapel Hill. But now thanks to Anton Zuiker a.k.a. MisterSugar, the conference organizer, several neighbors meet every other week. These folks have become a very important part of my local community. Their blogs have become an important way for me to stay in touch and learn new things from them. (See for details.)

On Tuesday, November 15 from 7-9 p.m we're having a Triangle Blogger's Bash at Durham's American Tobacco Historic District. The event will include a walking tour of WUNC's new studios, free food, talking about podcasting, and drinks at Tyler's Speakeasy next door. Everyone is invited. Come to learn about blogging, podcasting, and meet your neighbors who have those cool blogs you read all the time.



Brian, thanks for posting this. I'm looking forward to socializing with fellow bloggers next week, and I encourage anyone who wants to meet up with us - you don't have to be a blogger - to join us Tuesday night.


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