The Republican candidate(s?)

So I noticed that the elusive mayoral challenger Kevin Wolff suddenly has a number of yard signs around town. Then I got this e-mail from a friend:

Kevin Wolff got signs, and they're popping up everywhere. I didn't think he'd bother - he hasn't done much so far. But also, I got my Orange County Republican Party Newsletter today... and they included a link to Wolff's website:

And Ginny recently posted this message from the College Republicans listserve:

Kevin Wolff, Candidate for Mayor of Chapel Hill, will be in the Pit tomorrow — Wed (11/2) between 5:30PM and 6:30PM — to meet and greet voters, answer questions, and to listen to any ideas, thoughts or concerns you may have. Kevin is an experienced and accomplished leader in the worlds of business, technology and law and he now wants to “give back” to the Chapel Hill community by devoting himself to public service. One of Kevin's many goals as Mayor is to fully support UNC's “Carolina North” development project. He believes there is a great potential benefit to our community in bringing a new, world-class research and development facility to Chapel Hill.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Dan Cote
Chairman, Orange County GOP

And speaking of Republicans, this announcement was posted on a local website last month:

Any Tar Heel Fans out there ?

Author: Katrina R
Subject: Any Tar Heel Fans out there ?
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:28 pm (GMT -4)
Topic Replies: 0

I have acquired a set of UNC tickets (2) for each of the remaining home games in The Pope Box. That's the private box area reserved for high dollar donors and public officials. Your Senator may show up there !

My campaign will be raffling them off beginning next Monday. Only 200 tickets will be sold and all four sets will be given away. Drop me an e-mail if you're interested in buying a couple of raffle tickets. :D

Now Wolff is a registered Republican, so we shouldn't be too surprised by anything reported here (except at the fact that he's running at all).

But we all know Katrina was a Democratic party activist back in Texas, so is she cozy with the right-wing Pope family? This puts some of her previous remarks in a different light. For example: "The one thing I've learned in my brief time here is that the Carrboro crowd has a good bit in common with Tom Delay."



that's a good question. I'd probably add $20 per ticket for the value of being in the box for the food and drink.


Sounds close enough for me. the main point is to get it disclosed. I think the fair market value for Duke tickets is a negative number.

or to put it in MasterCard parlance
NC football ticket = $35
Food & drink in sky box = $20
Being legally allowed to drink in stadium = priceless


can we close the thread now?

On David's note - a cheerful yes!



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