The missing link for Orange County

With all the focus on the selection process for Chapel Hill's new Town Manager, it's easy to forget that Orange County is in the market for a new staff leader as well. It may be an afterthought, but the County wants to know what you think they should be looking for.

The Orange County Board of Commissioners wants public input on the search for a county manager.

There is not much time left in the first phase of the manager search.

Comments from the public need to be received by Monday. Comments should respond to the following question: "What are the most important characteristics for a county manager in Orange County?"

Comments may be submitted to the BOCC by mail to Manager Search, Orange County Board of Commissioners, P.O. Box 8181, Hillsborough, NC 27278 or by e-mail to . They also can be hand-delivered to the clerk's office, 200 South Cameron St., Hillsborough.

- Input sought on manager search



someone who is sensitive to people with disabilities and someone who knows what mental heatlh developmental disabilities substance abuse is and how to make sure these things are funded in the right ways.and all the things that go along with mhddsa services this county give more money to us than person or chatham we are losing many good staff because of mental helth reform


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