Bike to work

It's Bike-To-Work Week, and Meiling Arounnarath at the N&O points us to several related events going on this week. Unfortunately two of them were yesterday, but one remains:

“Bike-In Movie Night”: 8 p.m. Friday, meet in the gravel lot behind Back Alley Bikes, 108 N. Graham St., Chapel Hill.

I'd love to participate, but it's hard to bike from my bedroom to my office down the hall. Are you biking to work this week?



I'll be doing a bike/bus trip tomorrow that involves cycling between Carrboro and Chapel Hill to reach the TTA bus then cycling another mile or so at the end of the trip to get to my office, reversing it on the way home.

I took a good long look at Erwin Road as I drove in to work this week and decided I really do not want to cycle on it in the midst of rush hour traffic, even on my road bike. Will Erwin Road ever get bike lanes, I wonder?

During the school year, when the Robertson Scholars bus runs, I can easily (and sometimes do!) bike to planetarium and hop on the bus for a lovely ride.

I bike to a park and ride and put my bike on a bus rack every day. Getting home is biked because it's not as long of a trip and I can take my time. If only the CH bus drivers would stop banging up the bike racks. Usually at least one of them is bent to an unusable state and most of the time it is a struggle to get the working one affixed because it's slightly bent too. I report bent bike racks every single time. CH Transit is on speed dial.

I telecommute to NYC each day, so the opportunity to ride to work did not present itself.

I do believe I generated enough energy however, to power my connection and one of my computers by riding roads on Tuesday, the trails of the HWT on Thursday, and another 40 miles of road on Sunday. Could use a direct generator for the effort.

Also logged about 30 miles on foot.

I appreciated the police escort through Chapel Hill and Carrboro Wednesday evening during the Ride of Silence. Many of us know folks who have been hit riding bicycles in this community.

On Wednesday morning, one of the runners in our club, recovering from being hit by a motorist at Calvander a couple of weeks ago, ran into the trails with us, noting some deep pain in the tuckus. She's brave and strong and very lucky.

Several cyclists during the Ride of Silence were wearing red armbands, symbolizing encounters with motorists. And then there are those who don't survive such incidents.

I think motorists are increasingly aware and tolerant of the abundance of recreational and commuter cyclists here, but I know we'd all feel better with more bike lanes.

see you "out there"

...wear your helmet!

My daily routine: bike to park-and-ride lot, ride bus to Raleigh, walk from bus stop to office. In the afternoon, reverse. CAC


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