Chapel Hill 2020 Special Topic: Chapel Hill Community Survey


Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Council Chamber, Chapel Hill Town Hall
Chapel Hill 2020 will offer the special topic presentation "Chapel Hill Community Survey" by Karen Falk, vice president of ETC Institute.

The public is invited to the presentation to be held at noon Tuesday, March 13, in the Council Chamber of Chapel Hill Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The public event will be aired live on Chapel Hill Government TV-18 and streamed on the Town of Chapel Hill website at

The Town Council will have an earlier opportunity to receive the survey report at its Council meeting on Monday, Feb. 12. The report will review results from a Town of Chapel Hill Community Survey conducted last fall by ETC Institute, a professional market research firm based in the Kansas City area. ETC has administered surveys in more than 300 cities and counties across the United States.

"Conducting this survey was one of the Town Council's early established goals as a means to help us understand our residents' perception of the services the Town provides," said Town Manager Roger L. Stancil. "This biennial survey helps us understand what we are doing better and where we need to improve. It is one of the tools we use in establishing budget priorities and making policy decisions."

Results from the 2011 survey are expected to provide valuable input toward a visioning process, Chapel Hill 2020, to shape the town's direction in a sustainable way for the next 10 years.

The survey was mailed to 2,000 randomly selected Chapel Hill households. The random selection is critical to the statistical validity of the survey results. An online survey also was offered to allow interested residents an opportunity to view and complete the survey, although those results will be tabulated separately.

The survey polled residents on issues ranging from public safety, development, and parks and recreation, to infrastructure and administrative services. Benchmarking analysis has been conducted by ETC to help Chapel Hill understand how its results compare to similar communities.

Survey results will be made available on the Town website at The results of Chapel Hill's 2009 community survey are available online for review.

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