OP Candidate Forum: Conversation With the Mayors


Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm



One challenger and two incumbents are all running unopposed for mayor in our three municipalities.Theymay be shoo-in's but we still want to know that they will represent us. Outgoing Carrboro Mayor Mark Chilton will serve as the moderator in a conversation with all three candidates.

Post your questions for the mayors and mayor-elect as comments on this page, on social media, or with our contact form.


I'll start the suggested questions with an easy one.  With the potential for two openly gay mayors in Orange County, can we step up our Pride celebration game relative to Durham? Can't let the Dukies have all the pride. =pOn a more serious note, how do the Orange County mayors see their roles in standing up to an increasingly aggressive and hostile state legislature that has proven an unwillingness to show deference to municipalities in setting local policy and control of municipal assets.


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