Haunted House Benefit - Dr. Grave's Zombie Research Facility


Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 7:00pm to 11:00pm


621 Hillsborough Rd. Carrboro, NC
For one night only come tour Dr. Graves’ Zombie Research Facility. Witness the exciting medical breakthroughs and social benefits of harnessing zombie labor. Our future is zombies!

October 31st 7pm to 11pm
@ The Hillsborough Rd. Coop
621 Hillsborough Rd. in Carrboro

$5 Under 18
No Onsite Parking- a short walk from downtown Carrboro
(ride a bike or trick or treat your way there)

Benefit For Internationalist Books and
The Weaver Community Housing Association


This is a great idea. I wish I could come. 


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