Public information meetings on the proposed Glen Lennox Development Agreement are scheduled for noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 29, and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 30, in Room A of the Chapel Hill Public Library, 100 Library Drive.
Participants will receive information about the Draft Glen Lennox Development Agreement and have an opportunity to ask questions and give input. The community comments that are gathered will be shared with the Town Council in advance of its work session on May 5.
The format of these two meetings will be identical; the purpose of holding two meetings is to provide multiple opportunities for participants to attend and provide their input.
If adopted by Council, the agreement will guide future development of the Glen Lennox apartment and commercial property, an area bound by NC 54 on the south, Brandon Road to the north, Hamilton Road to the east, and US 15-501 to the west.
The portion of the neighborhood that is addressed by the draft development agreement is referred to as the Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District-8C (CD-8C).
A development agreement is a unique planning tool useful for large projects that will be built over a period of up to 20 years. It provides the developer a level of certainty about what it can build and what mitigation measures will be required, if agreement is reached. It also provides the Town with the opportunity to look at the long-term horizon and make sure it fits with the Town's comprehensive planning efforts and local policies.
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