Orange County Central + Rural Bus Service Public Input Meeting


Monday, May 19, 2014 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm


Northern Human Services Center cafeteria at Cedar Grove Park, 5800 N.C. 86 N., south of Hillsborough

Orange County residents will have a chance to provide input on future Orange County bus services in a series of public meetings in various locations, including the town of Hillsborough.

The Orange County Planning and Inspections Department and Triangle Transit are hosting the public outreach meetings, which will focus on bus services outlined in the Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan. Bus routes to be discussed include the Hillsborough Circulator as well as rural and regional service routes. The goal of the meetings is to receive input on specific recommendations for new, expanded and existing bus services that serve central and rural Orange County.

There will be four public outreach meetings, held from 5:30 to 7 p.m., except as noted below:

  • May 19 — in the Northern Human Services Center cafeteria at Cedar Grove Park, 5800 N.C. 86 N., south of Hillsborough.
  • May 21 — in the Mebane Council Chambers, 106 E. Washington St. in Mebane
  • May 22 — in the Hillsborough Town Barn, located at 101 E. Orange St. on the Hillsborough Town Hall campus. Parking is accessed from East Corbin Street. ***This meeting is from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.***
  • May 28 — at Efland-Cheeks Community Center, 117 Richmond Road in Efland

A presentation will be given at the beginning of each meeting, and stations will be set up for attendees to learn more about proposed new bus services and ask questions. Comments about the proposed routes also may provided by e-mail to or by voicemail at 919-245-2336.

For additional information, contact Transportation and Land Use Planner Abigaile Pittman with the Orange County Planning Department at 919-245-2567 or


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