Economic Devolopment

To achieve a port civilization economic activities cannot be limited.  In a broad way of understanding the best functioning cities where food, shelter, and a life of the mind are most advanced, the city or town must make itself into a destination for its citizens and its visitors.

It must be for those that live there a destination achieved once they get out the door of their home.  Great places are like that.

The office of Transportation Planner for the Town of Carrboro is open, and I applied for it because it is an area of my study.  All of my study of governance results from my determination to build a nation of airports and spaceports.  The caveat that has made my work difficult, in one crucially dramatic and pivotal way is that to normally achieve the foundation of a nation, one gets the national identity from a war.  Blood sacrifice is required and I have not been willing to forment war.

I am saying such a thing to make it clear that while I am an independent scholar, my focus has been so that I do not offer my solutions without a great deal of serious study.  About all city and state planning for infrastructure I know to turn to engineers, and make them work.

Engineers are not to terribly difficult if you are willing to inspire them.  I am all about being an inspiring and handsome guy, though old and broken down enough to not be too threatening.

I admit I am currently only able to do about half a day of office work.  That's really all I would be good for anyway.  So but anyway I did say that if the town was not interested in advancing an airport connection for this landlocked area, don't bother hiring me.

In the area of Transportation Planning we want electric friendly routes, same as for low tech bicycling.

In the area of Transportation Planning we want 



When I heard that there was an emergency of housing from reading the Chapel Hill News articles I decided it was my duty to drag myself down to the Town Council Meeting and say I wanted to build with shipping containers and enter into a Community, Company co-operative business endeavor.

I asked for help building with shipping containers, which are inexpensive strong steel boxes around which has grown a mature conversion industry.

They make a good start for a modular building company.  I have seen pictures of 40 foot conversions giving good service in the boonies of Canada built for 16 thousand Canadian.   The containers have been stacked up 5 high for a building in Manhattan, and in London.

The tipping point for developments in Carrboro and Chapel Hill that will allow for reasonable rents is 5 or 6 units.  Otherwise you cannot service the debt for the prices being paid for the land.  Working peoples wages, not to mention student incomes typically call for rents in the 600 dollar a month range.

Financial Engineering is now accepted as part of the discipline according to the great Engineering writer Henry Petroski.  In pursuit of my goal to fully engineer solutions to the lack of adequate housing I suggested that the town bit on the surplus NCDOT Rights of Way being sold around the state.  Getting land is often easier if you have some.

There are prosaic details about my request for help in the goal of creating a housing surplus, which without means you will perpetually have a housing crisis.

In this time and onwards it will be impossible to keep up with the housing and working demands without resort to modular building techniques.  We have garunteed 2 percent per year growth.  We have had endemic unemployment running at about 4,000 people all the time out of work in the County.  Most of the county lives where the work is all huddled on the border of Durham and Wake County.

I did a good job of ideation.

Town Manager David Andrews and Nate von Fuks, Town Manager, and Affordable Housing Something informed me that the Town had decided to make sure that I knew that they had no interest in supporting my concepts, and were satisfied with the efforts and promised efforts of all of the other organizations and companies set to give relief to the displaced and threatened of the Towns and County.

I will continue to approach others in the area, or out of the area who might be willing to realize the establishment of a robust factory modular building industry for Carrboro and the area.

I will also continue to work to maintain airport links to the outside world from Orange County North Carolina.

You cannot be anti airport and pro business.




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