Running for Re-Election!

Serving on the Chapel Hill Town Council has been an enormous privilege. We’ve accomplished a lot over the past four years, but as residents remind me every day, there’s still a lot we can do to improve and strengthen our community.

That’s why I’m announcing the launch of my campaign for re-election to the Chapel Hill Town Council.

I’m proud of what we have achieved over the last four years. A stronger food truck ordinance, expanded access to our Community Center pool and a single-family stormwater ordinance that actually works all have had a positive impact for our community. The Glen-Lennox development agreement, new zoning in Ephesus-Fordham, as well as  exciting projects in downtown like LaUNCh Chapel Hill and a redeveloped University Square will bring new jobs and expand our economic tax base.

One of my proudest moments as a Councilmember was during the ribbon cutting for the new Rogers Road Community Center. After years of false promises and neglect, Orange County came together and finally did right by a community that has suffered too long. A community center hardly makes up for the burden of housing the community’s landfill for decades, but it is a small step forward. If elected to a second term, I’m committed to breaking ground on sewer service for this neighborhood and continuing to work to right the wrongs of the past.

While Chapel Hill’s political power in the General Assembly may be limited, I have worked strategically to influence and lead on state-level policies. I spearheaded the town’s opposition to crisis pregnancy centers, which provide misleading information to women about abortion and other reproductive health topics. When the General Assembly allowed guns in parks, I stood up for common sense gun regulations. As a member on the North Carolina League of Municipalities’ Tax and Finance Legislative Action Committee, I’ve advocated for the rights of towns and cities across our state.

I look forward to the next nine months and the opportunity they provide for me to connect with Chapel Hill residents and voters. Between now and November, I’ll be knocking on doors and holding meet-and-greets to hear the opinions of Chapel Hill residents. I’m grateful for the support I’ve received and hope you’ll join me again. Together we can build a vibrant, livable community.

Want to support the effort? Sign up to volunteer or make a contribution to the campaign. Learn more at



I think lee s campaign song should be the POINTER SISTERS 'IM SO EXCITED'.  Gary Kahn

The News and Observer (Chapel Hill News), had a great piece about Lee running for re-election. Chapelboro, where Lee made the announcement live, and IndyWeek have also covered it.


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