So I was in Ohio and of course HB2 came up. Back in NC the Sierra Club has just released a statement about HB2:

To: North Carolina Sierra Club Chapter Leaders
As you know, HB2 has been the leading news story in North Carolina for several weeks.  This bill goes against the diversity, equity and inclusion principles of the Sierra Club.  Our Chapter DEI Committee and Steering Committee have unanimously voted to take a position opposing HB2 as a way to affirm our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.  Here is our statement:
"The Sierra Club is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.  North Carolina House Bill 2 clearly seeks to undermine these principles through discriminatory policies, including but not limited to denying equality for LGBT individuals; denying the right of individuals to pursue age, sex and racial discrimination cases in state courts; and reiterating legislative opposition to the ability of local governments to raise the minimum wage so as to help achieve economic equity.  The North Carolina Chapter of the Sierra Club strongly opposes this bill and calls for its repeal."

In recent years, the Sierra Club has placed an increased emphasis on the need for environmental justice.  Diversity, equity and inclusion are the principles underlying this policy.  As we continue to work for a better environment for everyone, we'll continue to recognize the importance of equality for everyone.

Steve Copulsky NC Sierra Club Chapter Chair



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