Celebrate Graig Meyer's Birthday and Support Barack Obama


Sunday, July 13, 2008 - 10:30am to 1:30pm


Southern Rail

Celebrate Graig Meyer's Birthday and Support Barack Obama!!Sunday, July 13, 2:30-5:30 PMThe Station at Southern Rail in Carrboro (adjacent to Weaver Street Market)Spread the word to all your friends. This event is open to the public!RSVP: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/4gt4h  Anyone who has given or gives to by July 12 gets in free. You can give online here:http://my.barackobama.com/page/outreach/view/main/Graig%0A For any registered voter who hasn't given, admission on the day of the event will require a minimum $10 donation to the Obama for America campaign. Unregistered voters get in free by registering at the door.Children under the age of 18 get in free.Enjoy these four great bands: Stan Lewis and the Rockin' Revelers, The Marla Vickers Band, The Willie Painter Band, and The Water CallersHear spoken word poetry from the Sacrificial Poets (Chapel Hill's youth poetry slam team, including one of Graig's former students).Support Graig's trip to be an Obama Delegate at the Democratic National Convention by purchasing raffle tickets to win these great prizes: Custom made Obama gear; including Obama Mama t-shirts, Obama Boy t-shirts, Obama kitchen aprons, Michelle Obama pins. Your choice of bottles of fine wine. Gift certificates from businesses and restaurants around Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Grand prize: You get to choose the wording on a sign that Graig will hold up for the television cameras at the Democratic National Convention.Can't afford to make a donation right now? Email us. We need 5-6 volunteers to make this happen and we'd love to have you come for free.RSVP: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/4gt4h See you on the 13th!Graig and Jen Meyer


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