For the past few years, our community has been treated to some wonderfully unique, thoughtful, and entertaining puppet shows by the Paper Hand Puppet Intervention. You have one weekend left to catch this year's edition "As The Crow Flies" at the Forest Theater and one weekend to see them at the N.C. Museum of Art after that. I saw the show last weekend and I highly recommend it. I laughed, I cried, I took pictures, I did a little jig, I clapped - a lot.
Along with Paper Hand's summer finale at the Forest Theater, Carrboro and Chapel Hill are bracing for a blast of creative energy this weekend with the RadiCackaLacky Puppetry Convergence coming to town. If you don't enjoy some puppets somewhere, you are missing out on some the more flavorful treats of living in Orange County.
Puppeteers from all over the U.S. and Canada are converging on Carrboro/Chapel Hill during the final weekend of Paperhand's annual Forest Theater show. There are several programs of puppetry at a number of venues throughout the week. Each program is composed of several puppet shows by a variety of artists in a wide range of styles and subjects. We've got hand puppets from outer space, marionettes enacting Greek myths, biographical shadow puppet plays, cardboard cats who chase cardboard mice, and puppet videos about the Apocalypse -- plus live music, crazy costumes, and stuff made from trash! All the programs are cheap or free -- look at our schedule and see!
Forest Theater is the
Forest Theater is the perfect setting for "As The Crow Flies." We want to see and hear it there again. The music, sound effects, and narration are as gorgeous as the puppets.