Carrboro Film Fest Calls for Submissions

It was a huge hit last year. Now it's time for... the Second Annual Carrboro Film Festival. We want your films!

The 2nd annual Carrboro Film Festival is seeking submissions from filmmakers who have breathed in the good, local air of Orange County.

Nic Beery & Jackie Helvey, the festival's founders, say, “The creativity in this region is wonderful with artists, musicians and writers. Last year's Carrboro Film Festival showed that there are amazing filmmakers as well. This festival is a celebration of local filmmakers' work and an outlet to get their films shown to a large, receptive audience. We encourage everyone to submit their work for the possibility of their film to be shown this year.”

The deadline for submissions is August 30th, $15 per submission. Late deadline is September 20th, $30.

The only requirements are that the filmmaker at one time in life had a brush with Orange County and that the film is no longer than 20 minutes. Films can be in any format: film, video or even digital photos.

Submission forms are on

There will be a kick-off gala the evening of November 17th at the Carrboro Century Center. The film festival will be held on Sunday, November 18th at the Century Center as well.

For more information, go to



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