Tonight the Orange County Commissioners had a work session including two items related to technology. In the first, a consultant from the UNC School of GOvernment (how many of those are there?) presented Strategic Information Technology Plan which prioritized investments in tools for citizen engament and delivery of services. They also heard a brief update on the county staff's attempt to make agendas more electronically accessible through clean, searchable PDFs.
Both were quite neccesary and productive conversations, but the county needs to look at much more than the tools if they want to really serve the community. Our governmental bodies need to examine their entire organizational culture in light of a world in which transparency and openness are not longer just theoretical. Many hopes seem to be pinned on the newly-hired Public Information Officer (a first for Orange County) to provide some leadership here. I'm not sure how much she'll be able to do, but her existence is surely a step in the right direction.
Here are my tweets, and your replies.
[View the story "Orange County government reckons with new-fangled technology" on Storify ]Orange County government reckons with new-fangled technology 1. Review of the Draft Orange County Strategic Information Technology Plan2. Employee Benefits Updates and Preliminary Recommendations Regarding Calendar Year 2013 Health Insurance Modifications3. Report on paperless Agendas Storified by OrangePolitics · Tue, Sep 11 2012 19:37:13
RT @ruby: Soon I'll be tweeting from the county commissioners meeting about their IT Plan & "paperless agendas." #opengov? #OCpolOrangePolitics
Consultant presenting IT Plan to Orange County Commish. Citizen engagement functions, operational svcs. #OCpol Agenda:
Orange has about half as many IT staff as comparable counties in NC. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Consultant identifies top staffing needs as: network engineer, GIS addressing admin, SharePoint admin, applications systems analysts. #OCpolOrangePolitics
This IT consultant is Shannon Tufts, from the Center for Public Technology at the UNC School of Government. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Other priority one: IT Governance Structure, Communications Process, Training and Utilization, Training for End Users, (cont.) #OCpolOrangePolitics
And there MANY are more priorities, too irrelevant to tweet. Consultant says web site will be less relevant as ppl use more apps. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Consultant speaking in tech terms that most commissioners won't understand, not addressing the requisite organizational change. #OCpolOrangePolitics
@orangepolitics you think so? I'm actually following this IT presentation more than most.Anita badrock
@Anitabadrock The consultant seems smart, but I'm not sure she's answering the right questions. Also overly mobile app focused. #OCpolOrangePolitics
@orangepolitics thanks. I'm glad you're here to give informed commentary --I'm just grateful she isn't using 5000 acronyms....Anita badrock
Commissioner Gordon asks about the digital divide. Consultant: mobile devices are more widespread. This drives apps instead of web. #OCpolOrangePolitics
I'm all for mobile apps, but not at the expense of the web. A good web site SUPPORTS mobile, & is open to all platforms. =R #OCpolOrangePolitics
Having some trouble following the consultant's report due to weird characters in the text and headings. #whatIT #OCpolOrangePolitics
Commish Jacobs asking abt how recommendations would be implemented. Also asking why each co dept doesn't have e-mail address on web. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Jacobs asks for social media policy for employees. Staff says it's available on intranet, but only has guidelines for how to use SM. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Commish Yuhasz follows-up on Jacobs' Q abt having e-mail contact on the web since staff didn't really answer last time. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Assistant Manager says the county was already planning some of the recommended hiring and some other tech improvements. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Commissioners need to comment on IT Plan in about a month. Then to approve it. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Gordon asks how new PIO will impact IT plan. Consultant: they're separate worlds, but some collaboration needed. (I disagree! =R) #OCpolOrangePolitics
The problem is this plan is limited to IT (hardware & software) but not policy or institutional culture, which are key to success. #OCpolOrangePolitics
OK, maybe I don't disagree. Consultant says IT is just delivering the tools & service. PIO (public information officer) is leading. #OCpolOrangePolitics
So glad Commissioner Jacobs asked about the lack of contact info in the consultant's IT report. But she still didn't offer any! #OCpolOrangePolitics
Next on agenda: Employee Benefits Updates & Preliminary Recommendations Regarding Calendar Year 2013 Health Insurance Modifications. #OCpolOrangePolitics
County expecting a 23% increase in premiums in next FY. Co provides health ins to retirees with 20 yrs of continuous service. #OCpolOrangePolitics
County switched to UnitedHealthCare this year, employees have had problems with it. Poorer coverage of preventive, prescriptions. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Commissioner Foushee asks about commissioner retirement benefits. Is 8 years elected service comparable to 20 years employment? #OCpolOrangePolitics
@orangepolitics No.City Beautiful 21
@citybeautiful21 Duly noted. You want to tell Commissioner Foushee that? She seems less clear.OrangePolitics
@orangepolitics This discussion is poorly timed. If Obama wins re-election, odds of us having an exchange like MA by 1/1/2014 are very good.City Beautiful 21
Discussion of how the Affordable Care Act will impact the County. How to let employees take extra time off w/o losing benefits. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Now: Report on Paperless Agendas. County looked at expensive vendors then realized they could make usable PDFs easier & cheaper. Yay! #OCpolOrangePolitics
The challenge with county updating PDF agendas is how to deal with changes to the document between publication and meeting. #OCpolOrangePolitics
@orangepolitics is uploading the modified PDF difficult, or am I missing something?Geoff Green
@geoff_green They are uploading the updates as they go now. But it's creating versioning issues, people looking at different things. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Yuhasz: Is concerned about the public not knowing what commish are voting on. Staff provides print out @ meeting. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Gordon would prefer that the staff just not update the materials after they're distributed. (Gah. Really?) #OCpolOrangePolitics
As someone who could not make sense of these meetings without having the agenda & memo handy, I can't disagree with her more. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Jacobs: Perhaps agenda could say "subject to commissioner approval" and sign off on changes at start of meeting. Like embargoed PR. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Staff: We're still realizing some of the efficiencies, figuring out the process. #OCpolOrangePolitics
Another prob is annotating memo while reading, then an updated version comes out. I hate to say it, but what about "track changes?" #OCpolOrangePolitics
Software developers have done a lot of thinking about version control. That may be helpful in this dilemma about agendas. #opengov #OCpolOrangePolitics
Jacobs raises question about whether commissioners' e-mails should be considered public, or are they privileged communication? #OCpolOrangePolitics
@orangepolitics @geoff_green Is anybody asking why there are lots of updates to agendas between publication and meeting?City Beautiful 21
@citybeautiful21 Yes, Alice Gordon said they should just try not to make so many updates. But that would delay agendas. #OCpolOrangePolitics