Kevin vs. Kevin

Today's eagle-eye award goes to Tom Jensen who notes that a Kevin A. Wolff has filed to run for Mayor of Chapel Hill! Anyone heard of this guy? I can't even find his voter file.

Lackluster school board race

Does anyone know what became of the many "diverse" candidates who were vying for the empty school board seat back in December? It's not that I'm unsupportive of Pam, Lisa, or Jeff, but I can't think of anything that differentiates these three on any issues.

Is the public just worn out by school controversy? Does no one want to think about our ailing schools for awhile? It's a shame. "No Child Left Behind" is leaving our children behind. We are spending too much time and money measuring, and not enough time teaching. We're losing sight of the social, cultural, and spiritual needs of our children.

Election central

There are three days left to file for office, and so far the School Board, Hillsborough Town Board, and Chapel Hill Mayor are all running unopposed! Where are the challengers?

By the way, a geek who is watching the Orange County candidate filings page closely noted that OP reader Katrina Ryan filed for Carrboro Board of Aldermen today!

All of this and more can be gleaned from the new OrangePolitics Elections 2005 page!

This page will be the place to get information about all the races in Orange County. Please share it with your friends. Lots more info will be added as the race progresses. What would you like to see there? What info would you need if you knew nothing about local politics?

Welcome to the jungle

Today UNC student Jason Baker filed to run for Chapel Hill Town Council. I am very excited to see a serious student candidate, something we haven't had here for a few cycles.

It's actually not much of a jungle - yet. Chapel Hill's field of candidates seems pretty tame, at the moment there are only 4 candidates for 4 seats! I'm sure that will change, but so far all of the competitive action is in Carrboro. Anyway, it's a good year for challengers in Chapel Hill...

And then there were four

Carrboro now has a competitive alderman election. Four candidates (at least) for three seats. The following accompanied Randee Haven-O'Donnell's announcement:

Today I filed for a seat on the Carrboro Board of Aldermen. As you know,
the November election will bring change to the longstanding leadership in
Carrboro. My experiences as a long time Carrboro resident, a teacher, and
community advocate have prepared me to be an effective voice for the



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