Oy, the heat!

I've got a few posts bouncing around in my head, but I haven't had time to blurt them out coherently. What's on your minds, readers?



Has not being able to blurt our your ideas coherently ever been an issue with you?

What do people think life will be like here in 5 years, ten years, 25 years? How will life here be affected by the overall changes we will see nationally & globally?

Where are all of the people who were criticizing Wall-Mart and other corporations because of how they treat their employees benefits wise, but now are silent when the Chapel Hill Town Council votes to allow those who have served two terms (8 years for Councilmen and 4 years for Mayors) to receive medical benefits for life and tax dollars fund 75% of the tab?  This is offered to our FULL-TIME employees after 15 years and of course, PART-TIME employees, well, ask them about benefits.

I loved the logic (this is quoted from the document, not my words):

Serving on the Chapel Hill Town Council requires the investment of significant time and energy.  Some  Council Members have determined that in order to be keep up with the demands of serving on the council part time employment (which many times make them ineligible for health care benefits through other employers) is their only option. (http://townhall.townofchapelhill.org/agendas/2008/06/09/4m/)

At least we are now admitting that only certain people can truly "afford" to be "public servants" in Chapel Hill!

And no, I don't really care what other jurisdictions do, but I do care about our process.  If this was a proper thing to do, we should have followed a more open process and shouldn't have stuck it on the consent agenda and then voted before people were allowed to comment.

OK, it must be the heat and the root canal I just had this morning!

What the Town Council did lead by Mayor Foy regarding declaring health benifits for itself without any public input was...well disgraceful.   According to the CHN there were people at the meeting awaiting a chance to speak to the issue, but they were not heard.  The only dissenting council vote was Matt Czajkowski's.


well, I'm SOL on this one.  You have to have served two full terms, and I resigned before my second full term on the Chapel Hill Town Council was up. Also, you have to apply within 30 days of leaving office, and for me it's been 29 years.  We had an issue like this -- Alice Welsh wanted to give free bus passes for life to all former council members, and I fought that one 'til it died. Of course, everyone has free bus passes for life now. Universal Health Care anyone?

I could get blatantly sarcastic (a particular skill of mine) and demand full health benefits for life for the Carrboro Volunteer of the Year.  That would be me!  The purple plastic tiara impresses no one at UNC Hospitals since my  coronation.  Plus it's rather tight. 

Does full health benefits for life somehow hitch-hike on on VOE?  Smells like soap from here.  Slippery. 

Sorry about the root canal, Fred.  All that rasping and jabber.  Get a crown on it fast before the whole thing goes to hell.   Then open your wallet or thank your lucky stars for dental insurance!  My cancer and heart drugs cost a fortune to refill at CVS even with the low co-pay.  I've stopped keeping track and now am considering a run for Chapel Hill Town Council. Let's all shake our heads.  By the way, has anyone noticed the pricy ads for MDVIP in CHN?  





Maybe you could give the tiara to Fred.  Sounds like he will need a crown shortly.
The sad part is the tooth was already crowned!  Now it's a two-toned crown, gold and whatever you call that filling stuff on the surface.
As expensive as health insurance is--and the price ain't going down---you might find a crowded political field, Catherine! 

With lifetime health care as a bonus, who wouldn't want to run. AND, if you run and win, can they ever take it away from you? Isn't it sort of an implied contract at this point?

One man with courage makes a majority.

- Andrew Jackson

at the time of the next election, only two incumbents will need to be on the ballot and get relected to be covered.  All the rest already are, or will meet the requirement of two terms if they finish this term.

So maybe it will get crowded!

Mark, you make us leff.  I have the perfect crown for Fred -- wore it today for a while to get the co-pay down to size.  For the record, I have no plans to move to Chapel Hill.  Nothing against Chapel Hill, but Carrboro is my home for life unless they change to aldermen in which case I've got DeVine for Alderman signs all stacked and ready to go!  Which I'm not otherwise especially well stacked these days.  But heck, I'm alive and that's not so bad.  Pardon my bravado, y'all. 
Sorry for the double-post.  My googly searching skills aren't as good as they should be.
It needed it's own thread anyway.
How do you feel about this Ruby?

Take a look at the survey results that were included with the ordinance that the Council passed Monday. Some jurisdictions get you up to 100%.

In order to bring this back up, someone who voted for it has to make the motion. I have had numerous conversations with people about this and the feeling is, we will move past the current outrage and it will die as an issue. Let's hope not!

Thank goodness for the rain and the open swimming pools!

That's what's on my mind!


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