Who turned out the lights?

There appears to be a major power outage affecting at least 2,500 Duke Power customers in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and at UNC. Duke says they don't know what the cause is, but they hope to have everything restored bt 4 pm today.

I got most of the above from http://twitter.com/dailytarheel. Follow that and http://twitter.com/orangepolitics for updates. I'm posting from my phone so tweeting is a lot easier than commenting.



Sounds like power is already coming back on in in some places including Lloyd Street in Carrboro and VIllage Drive in Chapel Hill. Probably more.

The source was a power substation on Cameron Avenue and over 6,000 Duke Power customers were affected.

TONS more updates at http://twitter.com/orangepolitics


"As of 1:55 Wednesday afternoon, power was restored by Duke Energy. Officials will continue to work at the Cameron Avenue substation throughout the day.

Duke Energy officials told WCHL that a transmitter delivery problem caused widespread power outages in Chapel Hill and Carrboro at 12:45 Wednesday afternoon.

Andy Thompson with Duke Energy said a power substation on Cameron Avenue in Chapel Hill experienced a problem at about. He expects that about 6,000 customers were without power. That included most of UNC campus."


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