Orange County Democrats HQ Opening

Recently the Orange County Democratic Party signed a lease for office space located at 209 Lloyd Street (Suite 310 – back of the building) in Carrboro. The office is very amenable to what the Party’s work will be in 2012 and hopefully beyond into the future.

Currently, we’re allowing the Coalition to Protect N.C. Families, OCDP is a coalition partner, to use our office space for the purposes of turning out the vote against Amendment 1. This is just part of the strategy we've adopted in promoting Democratic values in Orange County and statewide, especially since Orange County, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough all offer same-sex partner benefits that will be unconstitutional under this amendment.

This year will be a tough one, but will be one where we will fight night and day until November 8th to play our part in taking back the General Assembly and defeating Pat McCrory. We also will be pushing forward in promoting our candidates in Orange County in the general election.

We will be officially opening our office this coming Saturday, February 25th from 2pm to 4pm. The event will be a potluck, so if you plan on attending, please email our secretary Vicki Boyer ( to let her know what you’re bringing.

Additionally, we’re happy to take donations in the form of monetary or in-kind donations (office supplies, folding chairs, tables, etc). If you have an in-kind donation that you’d like to make, you can contact our 3rd vice-chair, Ann Demaine (


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