Information, Conversation, Imagination! Rosemary Imagined Community Event


Tuesday, June 25, 2013 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm


Sky Lounge at Greenbridge, 601 Rosemary Street, Chapel Hill

The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership and the Town of Chapel Hill Economic Development Office are hosting this event. The information they have provided follows:

Information, Conversation, Imagination! 
Community Invited to Participate in Rosemary Imagined

Join community members, Town and University leaders, and downtown business and property owners from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 25, for the first in a series of community meetings about Rosemary Imagined. The kick-off will be held in the Sky Lounge at Greenbridge, 601 Rosemary Street, Chapel Hill. Rosemary Imagined is an innovative community-led planning initiative that will refine our thinking of how Rosemary Street fits into the development and growth of downtown Chapel Hill. Come for information, conversation, and imagination about Rosemary Street and share your thoughts! Light refreshments will be provided. 


This community event is part of a 10-month process of engagement with the Town of Chapel Hill and the community to bring together several recent efforts by the community into a complete vision for the future of the Rosemary Street corridor. The Rosemary Street corridor was identified during the Chapel Hill 2020 process as one of the five Big Ideas; the "Big Ideas" are initiatives that embody the essence of the Chapel Hill 2020 goals and will serve as a beacon to guide the efforts of the Town and the community as Chapel Hill's future is created. In addition, the 2010 draft Downtown Framework and Action Plandeveloped strong new ideas about connectedness of streets and neighborhoods and has been followed by the adoption of the Northside and Pine Knolls Community Plan.


Rosemary Imagined process began in April with a grassroots effort to identify community stakeholders. The stakeholders hosted focus groups and identified themes, ideas and opportunities for Rosemary Street.  The ideas generated from these meetings, as well as a series of community meetings, will be used in framing a plan for the corridor. The results of Rosemary Imagined will be the basis for reevaluating the draft Downtown Framework and Action Plan and providing a new recommendation for the Council to consider adopting as a part of the Chapel Hill 2020 comprehensive plan.


For more information, visit Contact Dwight Bassett at 919-969-5015and Meg McGurk at 919-967-9440 or contact them at



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