Law Enforcement in Orange County: Reforming, Defunding, Abolition

Amid recent police killings, in the time of COVID-19, there are renewed calls for community safety changes including defunding the police, reforms such as the 8 Can't Wait Movement and abolition. Here's a run down of recent local responses.


The Carrboro Town Council passed a resolution on June 18, 2020 that, among other things, postponed filling police officer vacancies, prohibited chokeholds and other uses of force, requested an update on the call for the Chapel Hill Carrboro City School to move away from police in schools and established a taskforce to re-imagine policing.

Chapel Hill

The Chapel Hill Town Council passed a resolution on June 24, 2020 that, among other things, prohibited chokeholds and other uses of force, ended regulatory traffic stops, called for mechanisms for police oversight by the Community Police Advisory Committee and Justice in Action, established a taskforce and called for alternatives to School Resource Officers.


On June 8, 2020 the Hillsborough Town Board passed a resolution calling for the town manager to begin a process for a police review board.

Orange County 

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020, Orange County Commissioners, The Orange County Sheriff and the Orange County Human Rights Commission convenes a listening session on Issues of Policing and Racial Justice and Equity


UNC put out this story about Police Chief David Perry on June 23, 2020 detailing the changes he's made in his first year on the job. In addition, the Annual Report of the UNC Campus Safety Commission was submitted to the chancellor on May 28, 2020. This report includes a section on police procedures (page 9) and an appendix (A) on Police Review Board Models. 

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