March 2011

CHW blog continues verbal assault on elected officials' dignity

Warning: this post might constitute feeding the trolls, something to which I am adamantly opposed. However, the blog Chapel Hill Watch has continued to push the boundaries of taste with their strange personal attacks on politicians with whom they disagree. In their recent "Roll Call" post, CHW speculates about the personal relationships of Chapel Hill Town Council Member Donna Bell and Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt in light of their absences at a Council meeting that was held on Valentine's Day.

Public hearing on 1/4-cent sales tax proposal

Via e-mail from the County:


Release Date: March 1, 2011

Contact: Frank Clifton, Orange County Manager, (919) 245-2300 or Michael Talbert, Deputy Financial Services Director, (919) 245-2153

Orange County Public Hearing on 1/4 Cent Sales Tax

HILLSBOROUGH, NC –The Orange County Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 during its regularly scheduled meeting at the Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Road in Chapel Hill.  The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. 

The Public Hearing will provide an opportunity for the public to comment on a potential November 8, 2011 referendum on a one-quarter cent (1/4¢) additional sales tax in Orange County. 

During the 2007 legislative session, the North Carolina General Assembly granted county boards of commissioners the authority to levy, subject to voter approval, an additional one-quarter cent county sales and use tax. 

It is projected the one-quarter cent county sales and use tax would generate approximately $2,500,000 for Orange County on an annual basis.  If the voters approved the referendum on November 8, 2011 implementation would not start until April 1, 2012 generating approximately $625,000 for the remainder of FY 2011-12. 

Donna S. Baker, CMC
Clerk to the Board
P.O. Box 8181
200 South Cameron Street
Hillsborough, N.C.  27278
Phone: (919) 245-2130
Fax:     (919) 644-0246



Tuesday, March 15, 2011 - 7:00pm


2501 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill

Greetings from Chatham

Hi folks. Just wanted to check in after a long absence to tell you how terrific it is to be able to always return to this oasis of progressivism. I lurk a lot, and don't have much to say about Orange issues these days. But the very fact you exist is encouraging.


Libyan Refugees Get Help

To help Libyan refugees who have fled their beleaguered country, The Organization of The Islamic Conference (OIC) has set up two field hospitals and provided ambulances on the Tunisian and Egyptian borders with Libya. The OIC also plans to provide temporary shelters for 10,000 people and hand out flour, sugar, rice, canned food and infant formula.

Yet, when most Americans think of Muslims and Arabs, they probably think of what they see most in media coverage - conflict, extremism, suicide bombings, surging energy costs, and uprisings. There is a good chance Arab philanthropy never crosses their minds.

Happy 100th Birthday! It's Carrboro!

Carrboro Informational Workshop for the Wilson Park Multi-use Path

From the Town of Carrboro:
Citizens' Informational Workshop for the Wilson Park Multi-use Path
Please join us for an informational workshop on the design of a multi-use (bicycle and pedestrian) path through Charles Herman Wilson Park. The meeting will provide an opportunity to review a design map, discuss the project with representatives of the Town and engineering firm, and fill out a comment sheet.

Light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Jeff Brubaker, Transportation Planner, at 918-7329 or

Town Hall is accessible for persons with disabilities.

Taller Informativo Ciudadano para el Camino Multi-uso del Parque Wilson

Por favor acompáñenos a un taller informative sobre el diseño de un camino multi-uso (bicicletas y peatones) a través del Parque Charles Herman Wilson. La junta ofrecerá una oportunidad para revisar el mapa del diseño, discutir el proyecto con los respresentantes del Pueblo de Carrboro y de la firma de ingenieros, y para llenar una hoja de comentarios.

Se servirán refrigerios. Para más información, contactar a Jeff Brubaker, Planificador de Transporte, al 918-7329 ó

El ayuntamiento es accessible a personas con discapacidades.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Carrboro Town Hall, 301 W Main St, Carrboro, NC 27510

Update on a proposed large CVS in downtown Carrboro

Back in November, I posted about the large development CVS is proposing to build catty-corner from the Century Center.  (see here).  Since that post things have been moving along quietly.

Here is a quick recap of whats going on...

National Companies: Where to Locate in OC?

Orange County needs to support local businesses, no question about that. But citizens also need access to certain goods and services that are not available from local enterprises. I'm thinking of grocery stores, car rental agencies, mail packaging stores, but I'm sure there are more. I'm curious about examples of chains that have taken an existing building, renovated it and have done so while blending into the community (a value judgment, I know). I would suggest Enterprise car rental on East Franklin pulled this feat off rather well. Are there others?



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