czei's blog

The anarchist's way: shout down anyone you don't agree with

I tried to engage the local anarchists group at today and my comments were deleted, and it reminded me of their behavior at tonight's city council meeting.  They take advantage of democracy's freedom of speech while simultaneously shouting down anyone they don't agree with.  I thought the mayor handled the situation very well under the circumstances.

I didn't hear what happened to the petition to issue an apology to the journalists immediately, though.  (I was trying to listen to the meeting while practicing my Haydn.)

The Triangle Anarchist website: sponsored by big pharma

I visited the Triangle-area anarchist website to see what they're planning next, and was surprised to find advertising!  Why, that's capitalist, and the first ad was from big pharma.   How can you be anti-capitalist, and then make use of "free" online services that are actually paid for by advertising?

Just got a personal visit from Kevin Wolff

Just a head's up that Mr. Wolff is now canvasing in Southern Village.  He gave me a flyer that says "You must VOTE and voice your opposition NOW!" to keep our children and citizens safe. 

I thanked him for running, but decided not to interrupt working to have a political discussion.  The flyer is interesting as it takes potshots at the current council and mayor.  

He promises to "personally reduce the number of homeless people and the amount of pan handling throughout the city".  How is he going to do that?  Give them money out of his own pocket?  Personally provide job training in his home?

He talks about "my Smart Growth" process that will "Not force our desires into failed objectives that cannot be sustained by the present and future economy", insinuating that the current council doesn't listen to developers.

Interesting that he's not running for council...

NC Can Do Better Than First in Flight

My work as a Daytonian in NC is never finished:


A Big Thanks to Everyone Either Serving or Running for Office in 2009

I would like to thank everyone currently serving on the Town Council and the School Board, as well as those running for office.  The positions are largely thankless and require a huge amount of effort and patience, and I'm sure everyone has what's best for Chapel Hill at heart.  So, regardless of wether I voted for you or not, thanks for your efforts, I appreciate it.



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