Jeff Miles's blog
Seven people applied for the vacancy on the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education created when Michelle Brownstein resigned last month.
Last October, the Campaign for Racial Equity in Our Schools—a coalition of students, parents, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools staff, and concerned community advocates—released a report detailing the racial inequities that plague the Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools and making recommendations for beginning to resolve those inequities.
After two terms on the board, Orange County Board of Commissioners vice chair Bernadette Pelissier will not seek reelection next year.
The Orange County affiliate of the North Carolina AFL-CIO has issued endorsements in the Chapel Hill Town Council and Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board races.

Improvements and extensions to Bolin Creek Greenway have been in the works for years, and as Phase III of the project gets underway, the Town of Chapel Hill has released an interactive story map that will allow folks to track the project's progress.
I've embedded the map below, and you can check out a larger version of it on the town's website.
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