leestorrow's blog

Thoughts on First initiating Committee Meeting

I thought I would pass along some thoughts from our first Initiating Committee for the new Chapel Hill Comprehensive Plan. As has been noted on OP before, the Initiating Committee has an important task in insuring that a diverse group of stakeholders attend meetings and that all viewpoints in the town are represented. The committee seems both thoughtful and diverse in our opinions about the town, and on how to attract people into comprehensive plan discussions. The item that sparked the most discussion was how (or even if) citizens who don’t live in Chapel Hill, but because of employment, proximity, or ties to the University, should be involved in the process.

Early Voting in Orange County

In fall 2010, more than 900,000 people voted prior to Election Day in North Carolina. Our state currently allows local counties to provide early voting sites for periods up to three weeks before Election Day. Here in Orange County, early voting is particularly popular. On the final days of early voting in 2010, the line at Morehead Planetarium snaked  through the planetarium, down the stairs and across the quad as professors, residents and students lined up to vote.



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