
school delay and cold

Today I drove to East to sub for an ESL class. Foolishly I did not listen to WCHL before I left and discovered that there was a 2 hour delay because of the cold. It looks like no lessons were learned from last year. The air temperature does not change much from 7AM to 9AM and surely the district has learned how to start buses in the cold. Everyone enjoys to sleep in but every school day should be important and not much learning occurs during a shortened day. It is Ok to experience cold air for a bit. Now if there was snow and we could go sledding...

school delay and cold

Today I drove to East to sub for an ESL class. Foolishly I did not listen to WCHL before I left and discovered that there was a 2 hour delay because of the cold. It looks like no lessons were learned from last year. The air temperature does not change much from 7AM to 9AM and surely the district has learned how to start buses in the cold. Everyone enjoys to sleep in but every school day should be important and not much learning occurs during a shortened day. It is Ok to experience cold air for a bit. Now if there was snow and we could go sledding...

A Goal for 2015: Increased Walkability

Walkable, dense neighborhoods are good for us. That’s what this recent CityLab article concludes, citing numerous peer-reviewed research studies. And not only are these kinds of neighborhoods good for us, they’re good for the sustainability of our communities long term. For example:

Carrboro Arts and Innovation Center: Smart Public-Private Partnership?

Note: I posted this blog entry on my personal website on Sunday, January 4th, 2015, but opted to share it here as well at the invitation of OP editors. While I'm eager to learn what others think about the proposed Arts and Innovation Center and the numerous, interesting issues related to the proposal at hand, I'm not contributing this piece to start or stoke a debate between me and OP readers and contributors. I'm just throwing it out there as a thought piece.  My mind might change.  So might the proposal.  Who knows?  (It's Carrboro!)  Looking forward to reading other people's comments and ideas, and to hearing from residents, business owners, in-town workers and others at the public hearing or beforehand. The BOA already is getting really thoughtful comments by email as a result of the broadly-distributed notice of public hearing.  Hope you'll consider weighing in as well.

A Republican to a Democrat

Today i filed paperwork at the Orange County B.O.E. to change my party affiliation from Republican to Democrat. Gary Kahn



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