Cheaper by the dozen

The Daily Tar Heel had a nice summary of the twelve candidates vying for Carrboro's vacant Board of Aldermen seat. Unfortunately the list was illegible online, and now isn't online at all. The applicants are: Alena Callimanis, David Beck, James Carnahan, Stephen Clossick, Dan Coleman, Catherine DeVine, Robert Kirschner, Lydia Lavelle, John Marold, David Marshall, Katrina Ryan, Albert Vickers.

They include three candidates from last fall, and four residents of the annexation area. Does anyone know these folks and want to give us some more information that we might not have on some of the relative new comers?

Carrboro's staff also plans to have all of the applications online... um any time now. I'll add a link to that when it becomes available.

Next step: the Aldermen will publicly interview the candidates a week from yesterday on Thursday, 1/19/06, and plan to vote on the appointment at their meeting on Tuesday, 1/31/06. There is some discussion of adjusting the process in light of the very large number of applicants.

UPDATE: The applications can be downloaded at and the interview meeting will begin at 6:30 pm on the 19th.



One of the most notable things about the list: Twelve applicants, not a single student.

I think one of the most interesting things to know would be if annexation area residents would feel that the BOA has done the right thing:

A)If the BOA appoints someone who lives in the annexation area other than Katrina.

B)Only if the BOA appoints Katrina.

C)If the BOA appoints someone else who professes to serve ALL of Carrboro, old and new.

Thursday the 19th? I guess I better not sign up to work that night.

Isn't David Marshall a law student? Or has he graduated?

Chris, when was the last time a student (undergrad, I presume you mean) ran for BoA? It's not a very common ocurrence. The lack of student participation is a problem, but it's not really related to the appointment process.

Stephen, I hope you can get off work on Tuesday nights for the forseeable future, otherwise this might not be the best outlet for your community service!

I like the idea of my alderman also having to deliver my pizza. That was going to be my new ordinance...

We're on the same page on this one, Ruby. I'm not blaming the appointment process for not "going after" students -- that'd be absurd. What I was getting at is that the opportunity to apply for a seat on the board, without having to go through the expense and hassle of a campaign, would be a student's best shot to give local government a shot. That nobody bothered to try is disappointing, though entirely unsurprising.

Mark C.: So far as I know, David graduated from both Duke AND Carolina in December -- an achievement that I think transcends "admirable" and goes somewhere into the realm of "freaking crazy." Maybe David should quit this politics business and just teach time-management classes. ;-)

And, yes, I mean "undergrad." Sorry 'bout that.

My question: Where is Mary's application?

I'm a bit disappointed that no undergraduate decided to throw her or his name into the hat for the appointment process, but honestly, no names come immediately to mind of a fellow student who would be interested and willing. I'm sure I would have submitted my name had a similar situation arisen in Chapel Hill, but under no circumstance could I blame any individual for not joining the pack. If there's anything I learned in my four months on the campaign trail, it's that running a town is no business for the uncommitted.

I'll second you on that, Jason. Students not caring is disappointing, but students not caring and getting involved anyway is straight-up embarrassing.

Please note update to the original post above: The applications can be downloaded at and the interview meeting will begin at 6:30 pm on the 19th.

Damon-- It's a bigger job than I have time for this year, and someone I'd like to see get the seat has applied.

I have known David Beck since 1995 when my daughter who was 5, started attending his wife's, Rachel, after school care. It was the best money I spent every month knowing my daughter would be in that caring, loving, fun and nurturing environment while my wife and I were at work. She now baby sits for them.
David is very knowledgeable about local politics. Because of that I have asked his opinion on local issues for years. He has always given me his take on things, but also has been willing to hear my views and not to take me to task for having a different opinion. He is easy going, but has strong beliefs, and would probably fit in and do good work on the BOA.
That said, I don't think the annexees would like him, many of them have a bone to pick with the the Mayor and BOA because they didn't like how they were annexed and feel that the entire BOA and Mayor should be run over by a train, humiliated, tortured, and then shot. I was at a party in the annexed area this weekend , (thanks John K) nice people but don't say anything positive about anyone on the Carrboro BOA or Mayor. Most, not all, but most feel a great injustice was done them and they probably aren't going to like anyone who isn't ready to burn down Carrboro's town hall and move it to Chapel Hill.

For what it's worth, David Beck worked on Broun's campaign in 2003. I kept running into him putting up signs, and working the polls. He might have at least one vote he's counting on.

Pat Day - thanks for your kind words. Jeff, I managed Joal's last campaign. I do recall spending a good chunk of election day hassling voters with you at the Lions Club precinct. :) I think that's the only time we met? Of course I'd love Joal's support and of course she's under no obligation to support me, though it does stand to reason that if Joal DOESN'T support me I'm in pretty dire straights :)

I don't know David Beck, but his application is one of the strongest. He has to be on the short list. Knowing that he's worked on Joal's campaign (I don't know Joal either) makes him a stronger candidate in my mind. Clearly, he's spent some years thinking about Carrboro. Also, I hear he uses the exchange club pool-- so, many new annexees would actually 'run into' him... or perhaps drown him if Pat is right...

Man, oh man, when is the Daytona Race? You know it has been a long winter when Pat posts here!!!

Apologies to all the regulars who were not invited, I did not have enough body armor for you all, up here in conservative territory!! Once the Iraq war is over there will certainly be a surplus and we can have a gathering....

There is a saying amongst us lower class folk, something about not messing with a man's money or his spouse, and the problems that can ensue if one does. Carrboro has messed with our money, and therein lies the anger and disgust you may hear from up here.

Anyway, thanks for posting Pat!

As another Lions Club dem, I was glad to see David Beck's name in the race. He's qualified and would be a good fit.

Did the Town remove or bury the links to the applications/ questionnaires? If anyone can find them, please post the link here.


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