Open mind, open thread

We haven't had an open thread in a while. What's on your mind?



Interesting thread. I am wondering about stormwater myself, given all this rain. I see some flooding and general poor drainage in neighborhoods around town.


Here's the relevant background (at least from the town's perspective) on the Stormwater Utility.

Here's the problematic way we're funding it.

Here's the neat (and required) survey we're making of current mitigation structures.

Our citizen reps (comprised of some of the "usual suspects") that are riding herd on the program.

Unfortunately, their prior agendas and meeting notes seem to have disappeared of the web site (I think I have some of the info at home if it's gone "forever").

Stormwater management is necessary and a utlity is maybe an OK framework to address our needs. My problem? Fee-based programs throughout the country tend to suffer from some common problems: lack of visibility, skewed priorities, mismanagment of programs and funds, misapplication of funds, disproportionate fee increases, corruption, etc.

Requiring Council to pay for this program out of general funds provides a level of oversight I'm comfortable with... It also places the responsibility for mitigating issues before they happen (proactively) with those folks that set development policy.

Stormwater isn't just about drainage. Land use, tree preservation, RCD enforcement, SUPs, etc. make up the milieu contributing to stormwater management.

And now for something completely different....

Ruby presented the Planning Board's recommendations on improving the NCD process at the last Council meeting. It's chock full of ideas - what do folks think?

Somewhat related, one year ago OP was buzzing about Roger Waldon's contract.

We've had problems selecting, using, extending the contract of, consultants in town. We've had about a year's worth of data on Roger's NCD work. Was this a "good buy" for town?


Regarding Roger's NCD work - this was a reasonable buy. I think Roger did a good job. In the case of Coker Hills, he did as good a job as possible under very difficult circumstances. Could we have done this without hiring a consultant? Absolutely - if we didn't try to do four(4) NCD projects simultaneously. The amount of work involved was far too much for the Town staff alone to handle.

So the answer is: don't try to do more than your staff can handle unless it is necessitated by some sort of emergency. In that case, or if you're sure you need additional expertise, hiring a consultant make sense.

Just to let you all know the recent attempted break-ins at my residence finally became a successful break-in. Fortunately for me I had already moved 95% of my belongings into my new place at the time. For those of you still in the Chapel Hood/Crackboro area...ITS ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE!



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