Public Hearing on Hillsborough-Orange County Rail Station Plan


Monday, July 26, 2010 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


Hillsborough Town Barn, 101 E. Orange St. Access parking from East Corbin Street

Hillsborough Town Board to Hold Public Hearing on Rail Station Plan

WHAT: Public Hearing on Proposed Rail  Station Plan

WHEN: 7 p.m. July 26

WHERE: Town Barn, 101 E. Orange  St. Access parking from East Corbin Street.

The Hillsborough Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing July 26  on the final draft of a proposed plan that includes a rail station on land  the town owns southeast of downtown.

Public comment on the proposed Hillsborough Rail Station Small Area Plan  will be received during the Town Board’s monthly work session at 7 p.m.  July 26 in the Town Barn, located at 101 E. Orange St.

The proposed final draft contains conceptual plans for a rail station  site, which also could house a police substation and municipal meeting space.  The conceptual plans were presented at an open house March 31. The Town Board  received a report on the final draft of the small area plan document at its  monthly work session on June 28.

Under the proposed plan, the town’s 20-acre site off Orange Grove  Street also could include a civic/arts center, fire station, multi-level  parking garage, office space, park land and townhouse condominiums. The  Hillsborough Youth Athletics Association ball fields now located on the  property would need to be relocated as the site is developed over time.

At this time, the project has no identified funding. However, the town is  pursuing a variety of funding options. Until funding is identified, the  project will remain at a conceptual level.

The draft plan also proposes a recommended transportation network and land  uses for adjacent property to the south, located immediately behind the  Daniel Boone shopping area and commonly referred to as “the Collins  property.”

The draft plan and conceptual plans and renderings may be viewed on the  Rail Station Task Force page of the town’s Web site. The renderings are  conceptual only and do not represent final design, architecture or scale of  the buildings. The style and density of proposed buildings or land uses  likely will change as more input is provided through the town’s formal  site design and review processes.

For more information, visit the Rail Station Task Force’s Web page:

 or contact Senior Planner Tom King <> ,  staff liaison to the task force, at 732-1270 Ext. 73.



Thanks for posting, but I had already added this to the calendar at


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