Discussion of Direct Action Tactics at Occupy Chapel Hill/Carrboro


Sunday, November 20, 2011 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm


Peace & Justice Plaza

Via Steve Dear on Twitter:

There will be a group discussion Sunday from 1-3 pm about the police attack at Yates bldg At Peace & justice plaza @occupychc #occupychc


I got some additional information from the OccupyCHC Media Group (of which I am a not-very-active member):

Open Discussion: OCH/C Direct Action TacticsThe Yates Building occupation and arrests this weekend have left our
Occupy community variously confused, elated, furious, disappointed,
alienated, uncertain, committed, pick your adjective. From 1PM to 3PM this Sunday at Peace and Justice Plaza,
let's give all of ourselves and each other another chance to work with
life as it is. If you are thinking about walking away, it's an awfully
quick decision without a little more effort given to understand each
other and accept the moment as it is, without abandoning the movement
and what more we can do with it and for it. This conversation will also give us a
chance to consider more concretely how we want to go about direct
actions. Hopefully, it will also allow us some time to mend and grow as a
community wherever that may be needed. Please join us for one of our
most important events to date. 



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