The Town owns all 9 acres at Fidelity & Davie behind the Farmer's Market: cemetery, meadow, woods. Public Works has been planning to devour that meadow by packing 1762 more graves into it. No public notifications have been given. Fortunately the current Carrboro Connects comprehensive planning project welcomes input on formulating *theoretical* aspirations, such as *equity* in walkable green space. (All 3 big green Carrboro parks are north of Main Street.)
Tuesday's Town Council hearing on Carrboro Connect's 2nd draft of their 20 year plan provide an opening for green space advocates: We ought to finally get a real park on our multifamily side of town! We're not subhuman because we're in grad school or are divorced or retired. This is a complicated subject. I apologize in advance for not attempting to explaining it with a blog discussion. For more information please dig into my website (below), which proposes some cemetery solutions for our remaining long term local families. It has my land line number on it.
My name is Bob Proctor. I'm a semi-retired UNC math prof and I've been working on this for three months with multiple council members and Town staff, in addition to a few months last fall/winter. Going forward, what might be lacking for equitable treatment is getting input to the Town from our multifamily residents, who don't have as much energy/motivation/empowerment to deal with Town Hall as do the top-functioning single family home types. (My dishwasher broke 10 years ago and it still hasn't replaced itself yet.) We tend to get overlooked.
More Information:
green space
Congrats on posting a commentary on Orange Politics. Last few years there has been very little participation on this site. Hope you get responses. So what is your alternative for the future graves?