NRG's Meeting of Neighborhoods


Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 10:00am to 12:00pm


523 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

Via an e-mail from Julie McClintock:

A Meeting of Chapel Hill Neighborhoods

Sunday, January 23, 2011, 3 - 5 PM

Location: 523 East Franklin (former Chapel Hill Museum Bldg. downstairs meeting room)

Additional parking on South Boundary St. across from the UNC Press Building


Purpose of this meeting: To explore options for building upon inter-neighborhood

cooperation and participation in Town governance, especially as it relates to

growth in Chapel Hill.



Welcome and Opening Remarks – Jan Smith, Neighbors for Responsible Growth,

Fred Stang, Facilitator

Neighborhood Speakers - 3 minute stories about organizing experiences in local


Introductions - Each person or neighborhood representative is invited to

introduce themselves, their neighborhood and issues or concerns that brought

them to this meeting

Bill Rohe – “The Power of Neighborhoods in Town Governance and Planning”

Bill is the Director of the Center for Urban and Regional Studies, UNC

Group Discussion facilitated by Fred Stang

Conclusion: What did we learn? Where do we go from here?


Meeting Organizers: Neighbors for Responsible Growth 


I haven't heard of such a meeting like this happening in the three years I have lived here so far. Is this a first for Neighborhoods for Responsible Growth?Do you plan to attend? 


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