
News and opinions related to local elections.

4/4/04 - Kucinich Does Carrboro

No it's not an April Fool's joke. This has got to be the first presidential candidate's visit to Carrboro! (Someone please chime in if I'm wrong.) Whatever you may think about his campaign, Dennis Kucinich has been articulate, poised, and principled. And it's kind of exciting that he's coming here!

This is an e-mail from the venerable Joe Straley:

At the Farmers Market in Carrboro
1:00 PM, Sunday, April 4

Satisfied with the hawkish tones of US foreign policy? Come and become dis-satisfied.

Tired of being a part of a nation which bullies nations which it doesn't understand? Come and hear an alternative foreign policy.

Tired of spending billions for war while penny-pinching domestic needs? Dennis is your man.

Dennis Kucinich will be in Carrboro long enough to convince you that a vote for him in the April 17 Democratic Caucus is the best vote you will be able to make this year.


Join The Party

The Independent Weekly ran a story by Fiona Morgan last week about the Orange County Democratic Party. They are experiencing an influx of Dean supporters which is giving the overall party a boost in organization and momentum.

As for Dean's mantra of "taking back the party," [Orange County Democratic Party Chair Barry] Katz says he would like to see it happen. "On a local level, re-establishing a party that exists independent of its candidates but exists to support its candidates, that's taking back the party. And that's what's happening in Orange County." - Independent Weekly, 3/17/04

Foushee Running for Commissioner

You want some merger debate, I got yer merger debate right here: The Chapel Hill Herald reports that Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board Member Valerie Foushee will run for County Commissioner this year. I have to say, it will be a loss for the school board where I think Valerie has been a strong advocate for disadvantaged kids.

The Caucuses Ain't Just a Region in Asia

So, because of the endless appeals of North Carolina legislative districts, North Carolina's primary elections for 2004 have been delayed until July at least. In order for North Carolina to be represented at the Democratic National Convention, delegates will have to be selected before that time. In order to avoid the expense of conducting a statewide presidential preference primary all by itself, Democrats will have a statewide caucus for the first time in more than 25 years.

I have been wondering how this is going to work for those of us who vote in Orange County. According to the state Democratic Party website, we will be conducting the caucus on Saturday April 17, 2004 between 8 AM and 12 Noon. As near as I can tell, this will be very much like a primary election except that:

Giving Back to Chapel Hill



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