
News and opinions related to local elections.

Election Day


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 - 2:30am to 3:30pm

Vote Tuesday, no really

So there's an election again on Tuesday, in which Democrats get to select whether Elaine Marshall or Cal Cunnigham will run against US Senator Richard Burr in the fall. (I'm partial to Elaine, but I really don't care which one wins as long as he or she beats Burr.) Voters in the northern and western* part of Orange County will also be settling a near-tie for fourth place in the nonpartisan Orange County Board of Education race.  By all accounts (http://www.orangepolitics.org/2010/05/whats-at-issue-in-the-school-board-runoff), your choices seem to be dumb and dumber, so good luck with that!

I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't realize there would be one-stop early voting for this run off until it started a couple of weeks ago. You can only do it at the Board of Elections office in Hillsborough and it ends Saturday afternoon. Get the info at http://www.co.orange.nc.us/elect/onestop.asp or just vote on Tuesday at your own poll site like you would on any other election day.

With so little to draw people out, I wonder if this will be one of the state's lowest turnout elections ever? 

* Corrected 6/21/10. 

Marshall Defeats Burr, NC Has Two Democratic Senators

A blog entry on the NC senate race may be a bit outside the scope for the OP but I have been so encouraged by the recent polling data showing both Marshall and Cunningham in statistical ties with Burr and with low approval rating for Burr thatI was inspired to write this entry.  The title is just vision for a newspaper headline on an enjoyable Wednesday morning next November. 

I personally have been supporting Elain Marshall since the day she announced and think she will be a great senator for NC.  I recently recieved an e-mail from her campaign lamenting that Cal Cunningham did not drop out.  I think there may be an upside from the run off in that it will generate extra local and national press coverage.  It reminds me a bit of the discussion of the Clinton-Obama primary contest.  Many people were calling for Clinton to drop out so that Obama could focus on November.  However, the primary contest generated a lot of interest and in the end, Obama won.

 However wins the run-off next month I hope you will all join me in GOTV efforts next fall.  We have a really strong change to put NC firmly in the blue with to democratic senators.

How did we do?

OK, first the election results. Congratulations Barry, Earl, Lindy, Debbia, Donna, Brenda, and Anne!  Then, the Pundits of the Year! (I know you can't wait, right?)

These are final UNOFFICIAL results from the NC Board of Elections awesome web site (click the "map" links to see results by precinct)...

Election Day Open Thread

Did you vote today or early? What's going on out there?  

I expect some reports on this page from some the students who worked on the site this semester and hopefully other readers will chime in as you usually do.  This year, we're also using Twitter to track election goings on, so I'm embedding a feed of the latest tweets tagged #OCNCelect (per last week's survey).



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