
Rogers Road Waste Transfer Station - the blog

For those of you interested in following the development of the Rogers Road landfill and waste transfer station story, we have established a blog at http://rogersroad.wordpress.com.

We welcome your comments on the blog and encourage you to share this resource with your friends. We also welcome your support and attendance at the many public meetings held to discuss the search for a new location for the Waste Transfer Station. Send us your contact information and we'll keep you advised.

From all of us at the Rogers-Eubanks Coalition to End Environmental Racism (CEER), our best wishes for a warm and wonderful holiday and a New Year free from environmental racism!

Stan Cheren
Rogers-Eubanks Coalition
Communications Committee
(919) 942-9493 voice · (919) 942-9396 fax

Thinking ahead

There's been some justified hand-wringing lately how hard it is to get to our public library. As Chapel Hill Town Council Member Mark Kleinschmidt noted, the library's location and site plan are "really very car-centric." I get a little snitty when I hear this kind of observation. Of course he's right. But why wasn't it so obvious to the Town before we sited and built the library? After all, it's not like no-one pointed this out at the time.

Granted, none of the current members were on the Council when the Library was built over 15 years ago, but there was a different group of 9 "environmentalists" sitting at the same table and this is what their advisory boards told them:

Fun tonight

Tonight there are two meetings of interest to you social activists. At 6 pm, UNC will hold a forum on the chancellor selection process, and at 7 7:30 pm the County Commissioners will meet at the Southern Human Services Center to discuss the new search for a place to put a future waste transfer station.

I will add more information when I am back at my computer.


The Chancellor's Search Forum will be from 6 pm to 8 pm in Gerrard Hall on campus (between the Campus Y and Memorial Hall). More information and video of previous forums is available at: http://www.unc.edu/chan/search/forums.php

The Board of Orange County Commissioners meeting starts at 7:30 at the Southern Human Services Center on Homestead Road. The waste transfer station is item 7b (PDF) on the agenda: http://www.co.orange.nc.us/OCCLERKS/071115.htm

Reprieve for Rogers Road?

I just heard that the Orange County Board of Commissioners voted tonight to reopen the search for a place to put the new waste transfer station! (This wasn't even on their agenda.) They haven't agreed to exclude the Rogers/Eubanks area yet, but this is great progress.

Further discussion will be on their next agenda. Now is the time to show our appreciation to Moses, Mike, Barry, Valerie, and Alice for keeping an open mind, and keep the pressure on to make sure a NEW location is found.

Saving your gallon?

Governor Mike Easley wants us all to cut our water use in half. How are you doing it?

"Whenever you use water, cut the amount by half, whether it is taking a shower or washing the dishes," Easley said. "We all need to know whether this will be extremely difficult or easily doable."

Few water managers described Easley's request as easily doable. Having already slashed usage by about 20 percent by eliminating most outdoor watering, the next step is to head indoors where water use often isn't considered optional.

That means three-minute showers, limited washing of clothes and dishes, and strategic toilet flushing. Other possibilities: turning off the tap while shaving and brushing teeth, and collecting water in a bucket from your shower to use elsewhere.
- newsobserver.com | Easley: Cut water use by half, 10/23/07



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