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Public Hearing: Housing and Community Development Needs

The Orange County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing to obtain comments regarding the housing and community development needs in Orange County, including the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough. 

The public hearing will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3, at the Richard Whitted Meeting Facility in Hillsborough.

The needs identified and suggestions for addressing those needs will be considered in the development of the FY 2015-2019 Orange County Consolidated Housing Plan. 

Additionally, the County is seeking input from the community regarding the proposed expenditure of 2015-2016 HOME Investment Partnership funds. The Orange County Home Consortium expects to receive approximately $351,540 in HOME funds.  All interested County residents are invited to attend and provide comments during this hearing. 

For more information, please contact the Orange County Housing, Human Rights and Community Development Department at 919.245.2490.  The TDD number is 919.644-.3045.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 7:00pm


Richard Whitted Meeting Facility, 300 West Tryon Street, Hillsborough,

OP Happy Hour

Join us for our spring happy hour at Hot Tin Roof in beautiful downtown Hillsborough.


Friday, March 20, 2015 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm


Hot Tin Roof, 115 W. Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, N.C.

Joint Office Hours: Mia Burroughs and Damon Seils

Join Orange County commissioner Mia Burroughs and Carrboro alderman Damon Seils for office hours this Saturday at 3:00 pm.


Saturday, January 10, 2015 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


Looking Glass Cafe, 601 W Main Street, Carrboro

2015 Human Relations Forum: Voting Rights to Equal Rights, The Continuing Struggle

2015 marks the 95th Anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave women the right to vote.  Women’s Equality has been a long hard struggle against entrenched cultural, social and religious dogmas, and the 19th Amendment was a major achievement in that long story of liberation.

Though great progress has been made by and on behalf of women’s equality since then, there are still major barriers to true equity and gross affronts to the basic human rights that plague many women today.

The 2015 Human Relations Forum will celebrate the anniversary of the right to vote and will focus on the remaining barriers and some specific areas that require immediate action and attention, including economic inequities and sex trafficking.


Sunday, January 25, 2015 - 2:30pm to 6:00pm


Carrboro Century Center

Carrboro's Really Really Free Market 10 Year Anniversary

Carrboro's Really Really Free Market Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary

Saturday, October 4, 2pm
Carrboro Town Commons, 301 W. Main St. in Carrboro

On October 4, 2014,  the Carrboro Really Really Free Market, the longest running event of its kind, celebrates its 10 Year Anniversary. Held on the first Saturday of each month, the free market creates a space where hundreds gather to share skills, food, performances and goods without bartering or exchanging currency.

Really Really Free Market supporter Heather Graves said, "The Really Really Free Market is a decade long self-organizing phenomena. There's no formal leadership, board, or organizing body: in the three years I've been involved, the only meetings have been to organize the 10 year celebration."

Anyone is welcome to participate, and the 10 year anniversary has a myriad of activities already planned. Workshops on harm reduction, radical history in North Carolina, and self-defense are confirmed. A children's track of games and story telling will coincide with a variety of  puppet shows, music, and dancing throughout the day. Two local groups that often share food, Food Not Bombs and Prayers and Pancakes, will also be there. Artisans are offering knitting and crocheting workshops and an upcycling DIY area for sewing and alterations in preparation for a Found It at the Free Market fashion show. The Recyclery will be fixing bikes on site all day. There will also be tables of the best in anarchist 'zines from around the world. As well as bringing the usual goods to give away, all guests are encouraged to share a skill or passion. People looking for a way to plug into the 10 year celebration can consult the wish list posted on the Really Really Free Market website.

"We're having a birthday cake contest and a piñata contest! For the next two weeks, look throughout town for piñatas stuffed with instructions on how to make your own," Graves said. "And as for the celebration: expect surprises. We are."


Saturday, October 4, 2014 - 2:00pm


Carrboro Town Commons, 301 W Main Street, Carrboro



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