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Broun Committee on TV

Here's an update that I just got from the town on the Leadership Advisory Committee's first meeting this Thursday. Contrary to what you may have read in the paper, I am not a member of this committee. And now that it's going to be broadcast live, I don't even have to drive down to The Friday Center to stay in the loop.

I don't do this often, but here's UNC's press release in it's entirety:

New Carolina North Leadership Advisory Committee to meet March 2

CHAPEL HILL – A new Leadership Advisory Committee for Carolina North will meet for the first time Thursday (March 2) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The meeting will be held at 5 p.m. in the Redbud Room – a change from the previously announced Dogwood Room – of the William and Ida Friday Continuing Education Center.

A GRIM Report

Guest Post by Alan McSurely

Since the press reported the massive unconstitutional domestic spying program of President Bush and Vice President Cheney 2 months ago, a spontaneous grass roots impeachment movement has taken off. One poll showed over 53% of the American people favored an impeachment investigation, over 90% of African Americans were for such an investigation, and over 24% Republicans. This belief that our two leaders have committed crimes is well grounded. The men lied to Congress to give them authority to invade a sovereign nation. Their intentional lies, mixed with their massive ignorance of the Iraqi nation and stumblebum incompetence in handling basic governmental functions has led to the murderous mayhem in Iraq that has destroyed the Nation's leaders, its culture, and tens of thousands of its children. This is a high crime.

Bob Sheldon Memorial Event

Internationalist Books and Community Center will commemorate the life and legacy of its founder Bob Sheldon on the date of his murder 15 years ago. On Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 5:30 PM, friends will gather to reflect on memories of the late political activist, to dedicate a public memorial in his honor, and to share their vision for the store as it begins its 25th Anniversary Celebration, which is ongoing throughout the year.

The event will take place at Internationalist Books located at 405 W. Franklin St.

For more information, call 942-1740 or go to:

Common Sense in Chapel Hill

Please join hosts Mark Chilton, Mayor of Carrboro; Jefferson Holt; Lex and Ann Alexander; and Katie Early on Wednesday, February 15th from 7:00 to 9:00PM at 3 Cups (431 West Franklin Street) in Chapel Hill for an evening of food, drink and conversation to benefit the Common Sense Foundation.

Those in attendance will be the first to receive copies of Common Sense's newest publication on a woman's right to emergency contraception. Admission is free; donations are encouraged. To RSVP, contact me by e-mail at or by phone at 919-821-9270.

Question Chilton On Radio

Thursday, February 9, 9:15am to 10:15 am, on WCOM 103.5FM Carrboro/Chapel Hill (live stream:, Carrboro Mayor Mark Chilton will be interviewed live by The ESP Team on their political chat show.

Call in on 929-9601. Keep trying. It's community radio, and there is only one telephone line.

Too often people complain, and then don't 'show up' when they have the opportunity. You have the opportunity to 'show up' next Thursday - seize the opportunity!

Geoff Gilson
"The ESP Show"
WCOM 103.5FM



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