Growth & Development

Chapel Hill 2020- Tavern Talks #3

Tavern Talks: We will be holding six meetings, one for each theme, which we have loosely renamed for these meetings. Two meetings will take place on the same evening, at the same time (all meetings will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m.). The following is the schedule for the meetings, including the topics:

These would be informal meetings where people could come to give their input and talk about the topics, but also mingle with one another and learn more about the comprehensive plan.

Thursday, March 1, Jack Sprat: The Hot Spots: Developing new spaces and supporting existing places
Thursday, March 1, WXYZ Lounge: Coeds and Co-ops: Learning, Innovating, and Using the Intellectual/Social/Financial Capital of the Town and University


Thursday, March 1, 2012 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Jack Sprat and WXYZ Lounge

Chapel Hill 2020- Tavern Talks #2

Tavern Talks: We will be holding six meetings, one for each theme, which we have loosely renamed for these meetings. Two meetings will take place on the same evening, at the same time (all meetings will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m.). The following is the schedule for the meetings, including the topics:

These would be informal meetings where people could come to give their input and talk about the topics, but also mingle with one another and learn more about the comprehensive plan.
Thursday, Feb. 16, Caribou Coffee: All 4 One, and One 4 All: Diversity, Safety, Cultural Vibrancy, and the Arts
Thursday, Feb. 16, The Crunkleton: A Balancing Act: Bringing together environmental protection and growth


Thursday, February 16, 2012 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Caribou Coffee and The Crunkleton, Franklin Street

Chapel Hill 2020- Tavern Talks #1

Tavern Talks: We will be holding six meetings, one for each theme, which we have loosely renamed for these meetings. Two meetings will take place on the same evening, at the same time (all meetings will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m.). The following is the schedule for the meetings, including the topics:

These would be informal meetings where people could come to give their input and talk about the topics, but also mingle with one another and learn more about the comprehensive plan.

    Thursday, Feb. 2, Kildare's:  Transportation: Getting from Point A to Point B Easily and Sustainably
    Thursday, Feb. 2, West End Wine Bar: Show Me The Money: A prosperous and financially stable community that has a place for all


Thursday, February 2, 2012 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Kildares, and West End Wine Bar

Chapel Hill 2020- Discussion about Issues of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools


Thursday, February 2, 2012 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm


Council Chamber of Chapel Hill Town Hall

The importance of collective vision in long-range planning

Last month Chapel Hill 2020 Co-Chair Rosemary Waldorf asked a group of former Chapel Hill Planning Board Chairs to write short essays about why they believe the Comprehensive Plan is important. In addition to my response, replies from the Mayor, the Manager, the chair of the Sustainability Committee, and 3 other past and present Planning Board Chairs were posted on the Town web site and in The Chapel Hill News.



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