Growth & Development
A full-service library has been at the top of Carrboro's community facilities wish list for decades. So, the recent announcement of a contract to purchase a 2.7-acre site at 210 Hillsborough Road (see map) was, in some ways, welcome news. Unfortunately, however, it is not clear that this site will fulfill Carrboro's dream of a place downtown for the community to gather and learn.
"At the Council's retreat on February 4, 2011, the Council requested an additional opportunity to discuss the update of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. This work session will continue the Council's conversation about the Comprehensive Plan and include discussion with representatives of the National Civic League and Deliberative Democracy."
Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 7:00pm
Library Meeting Room, 100 Library Drive, Chapel Hill
Orange County needs to support local businesses, no question about that. But citizens also need access to certain goods and services that are not available from local enterprises. I'm thinking of grocery stores, car rental agencies, mail packaging stores, but I'm sure there are more. I'm curious about examples of chains that have taken an existing building, renovated it and have done so while blending into the community (a value judgment, I know). I would suggest Enterprise car rental on East Franklin pulled this feat off rather well. Are there others?
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